Where the Wizards go from here will …

Where the Wizards go from here will depend on many different factors, Wall’s health being one of them. But Leonsis seems confident in the potential of his team and their current track, as well as Wall and Beal as a pair despite what some might say is enough evidence their partnership has run its course. “I think they both, and I know they have communicated about this, realize that winning will define who they are and what their legacy is way more than their individual stats or their contract dollars. So, that comes with maturity. The 10 years have gone fast and I think that humbles people positively that nothing is given to you and that it’s a blur how fast it goes,” Leonsis said.

So, now that 10 years have passed, has …

So, now that 10 years have passed, has the plan worked as well as Leonsis had hoped? “I thought at the time we were executing a very good strategy of drafting and retaining and keeping our young players together as a core. John was the first pick, Brad [Beal] was third, Otto [Porter Jr.] was third. That seemed to be working,” Leonsis told NBC Sports Washington. “For the most part, it was the right strategy. Injuries have played a very, very big role in the ultimate state of the team. And we’ve lived and learned and we’ve made much bigger investments in our health and wellness programs and training and the like. So, the strategy and the plan is incomplete.”

There is only one thing left to truly …

There is only one thing left to truly gain, Leonsis believes. “My conversations with him early which have continued was the importance of maintaining who you want to model your game after,” Leonsis said. “Who do you admire? Who are the winners? I think John has had in the last two years injury upon injury upon injury, but time to self-reflect. When we gave John the supermax deal, the conversation that I’ve had with him – and we have a very respectful relationship – it was you don’t have to worry about your personal stats. It’s now time to turn all of your attention to team success.”

There is also the element of Beal being …

There is also the element of Beal being a much better player now than he was the last time he played with Wall, and certainly compared to the player Beal was when Wall was last healthy, which he says was the 2016-17 season. Beal had yet to become an All-Star and, according to him, wasn’t even close to what he is today. “I do think John will come back healthy. I think we’ve done this together; doctors, organization and coaches with John and when he comes back with Brad, that maturity, that seasoning but also that health will be a very positive next part of his career,” Leonsis said.

“I believe all three teams will play,” …

Leonsis said the leagues “need to be …

Leonsis said the leagues “need to be very, very cognizant” of helping their broadcast partners, such as Turner, Disney and ESPN, which rely heavily on sports programming, and did not offer a timetable for a potential return. “We have a lot of time to do it,” he said. “There really isn’t the stress of when would a next season start, and so we get a chance to do our planning and create the protocols that really will maximize the safety for our players.”

Leonsis predicts the 2K League will …

Leonsis predicts the 2K League will become a way to attract international fans. “Almost 80 percent of the appeal is gonna be outside of the U.S.,” he said. The league and ESPN announced a deal on Tuesday to broadcast this season’s games both domestically and internationally. Last year’s NBA 2K Finals, the second one ever of its kind, exceeded one million unique viewers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch and YouTube, according to information the NBA provided to The Athletic. A league spokesperson denied a request for demographics of 2K viewership in different countries. “People have seen what we’ve been able to do with Team Liquid, which is the best-performing — in terms of players and prize money — team. But it’s also been a really, really great business,” Leonsis said. “And so, that’s what we think will happen here. We try to explain to everyone that there’s more people outside of the U.S. on the Internet than (there) are here and their first exposure to the NBA is probably gonna be through NBA 2K.”