Golf instruction: Stop coming over-the-top for good

Everyone wants to be able to shallow the golf club in your transition to the downswing.

Everyone wants to be able to shallow the golf club in your transition to the downswing.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains how to shallow the club in your transition and how to stop coming over-the-top in your golf swing.

A few simple adjustments within taking the club back, the width between your shoulders and hands at the top and getting your hands high at the top of your swing will make all the difference.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: Dialing in pitch shot yardages with backswing cues

Many professional golfers say that accuracy from 100 yards and in is the biggest reason amateurs can’t lower their scores.

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Many professional golfers say that accuracy from 100 yards and in is the biggest reason amateurs can’t lower their scores.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek breaks down the backswing into four separate positions. Each move and position will signify a carry yardage that golfers can think about when trying to pitch with more accuracy.

Great golfers such as Lydia Ko, Jordan Spieth and Steve Stricker have practiced this method.

Every golfer’s yardage will be different and this should be practiced on the range before taking it to the course.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here

Golf instruction: Practicing your downswing from home on a rainy day

Averee Dovsek demonstrates a drill that works on coiling into the backswing position and how you transfer to the next portion of the swing.

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As hurricanes and storms move across the country, there’s not a ton of outdoor golf practice going on.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates a downswing drill that can be completed at home. This drill is great for working on rotation or coiling into the backswing position and how you transfer to the next portion of the golf swing.

Many golfers get stuck at the top of their swing and don’t know how to transition into the downswing, but this easy swing thought can take your sequencing to the next level.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Double check this to minimize three-putts

The smallest mistakes can leave you with the most unpredictable outcomes.

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Putting seems easy in theory, but golfers know that the smallest mistakes can leave you with the most unpredictable outcomes.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek explains the importance of shaft lean at address when putting to determine where the face is pointed when the ball is hit.

Many golfers fail to pay attention to the direction that the putter lies at address. Some may only recognize manipulating the face, but the error stems from the shaft lean. This will help minimize errors in the direction of your putts.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Calculating club selection for elevation and wind

This helps simplify the calculations and is a general rule of thumb.

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Playing in the wind or at different elevations can mess with your mental game and how you choose which clubs to hit.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to easily calculate your club selection based on elevation and wind.

This helps simplify the calculations and is a general rule of thumb. It is best to practice on the range with a rangefinder before playing. Gather target distances and compare carry distances with the calculations.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: How to generate more power with your driver

Hitting the ball farther is every golfer’s dream.

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Hitting the ball farther is every golfer’s dream. There are tons of ways to go about adding yardage to the clubs in your bag, but let’s simplify it.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to use your feet and arms to generate more speed at different points in the golf swing. Using the ground in the golf swing is commonly talked about by teaching professionals, and we help explain what that truly means when you do so.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Early extension is killing your golf swing

Early extension can be the silent killer of potential great golf shots.

Extension is desired in the golf swing, but early extension can be the silent killer of potential great golf shots.

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This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek and Kent St. Charles from Lab 18 explain the problem and demonstrate a drill that can help keep your tail bone back to avoid that dreaded early extension.

Check out this quick tip using a pool noodle or any other flat object that can rest to train your body on the downswing.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Try this to stop ‘chicken winging’ or ‘flipping’ as you swing

Flipping at impact during the golf swing is a struggle that many golfers know all too well.

Flipping at impact during the golf swing is a struggle that many golfers know all too well.

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Nobody wants to be told they are “chicken winging it” as they swing, so this simple drill may go a long way to help minimize those unwanted errors on the course.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek and Kent St. Charles from Lab 18 demonstrate a drill with an alignment stick that helps minimize the dreaded chicken wing move at impact in the golf swing.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Foolproof way to never blade your chips again

This is a foolproof method that takes minimal thinking.

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It’s a great feeling when you miss the green but have an easy and hopeful chip to save par.

Unfortunately, every golfer has accidentally bladed their chip and sent it running across the green in this situation. Chipping can feel unpredictable and frustrating.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to chip without breaking your wrist. This is a foolproof method that takes minimal thinking.

This will result in a more consistent, basic result around the green.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

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Golf instruction: How to increase club head speed when you think you’re at your peak

It’s difficult to increase club head speed when you feel like you are already swinging as hard as you can.

It’s difficult to increase club head speed when you feel like you are already swinging as hard as you can.

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This week, Golfweek‘s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates a tip to implement in your swing to get a bit more club head speed when you think you’ve peaked.

It’s important to practice this tip on the driving range before the course, as it can feel a bit more aggressive than your traditional swing.

If you are searching for that extra couple of yards, lifting the heel is a must-try.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

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