Saints hater Brandon Marshall buries the hatchet with Sean Payton

New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton confronted Brandon Marshall on the Draft-A-Thon charity stream, addressing his ESPN rant on the team.

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New Orleans Saints coach Sean Payton made an appearance on the Draft-A-Thon broadcast, a separate video feed covering this year’s NFL draft dedicated to raising donations for coronavirus relief efforts.

However, his time on the show brought Payton into contact with Brandon Marshall; the one-time Saints wide receiver who ripped the team during an ESPN bit earlier this month.

“Alright, so I made some headlines recently,” Marshall said, referencing his heated comments about the imminent collapse of the Saints as a Super Bowl contender.

“I love you,” Payton interjected, grinning. “I love you.”

Taken aback, Marshall responded, “I love you too. Then you went on Twitter, and you called me out.”

Payton brushed off the incident as, “playing by Covid-19 rules,” in which jokes and hot takes are allowed in these strange times. But once things settle down, he’s expecting everyone to let up a little. See it for yourself:

Marshall’s main point in his ESPN rant was that the Saints wouldn’t be able to compete with Tom Brady, now that he’s landed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. That’s a challenge Payton is embracing.

“In all seriousness,” Payton said, “There’s only about ten or eleven relevant teams. You’re on a point where, not only Tom but also (Rob) Gronkowski, you know just the standard’s going to change. They’re really, really special players.”

One idea Payton had for addressing the looming matchup was to put it under the brightest spotlight. He asked NBC Sports sideline reporter Michele Tafoya to take his suggestion to the higher-ups at the network, and put both of the Saints’ games with the Buccaneers on “Sunday Night Football” in 2020. Wouldn’t that be something?

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