Snowshoes that help you float above the snow in any situation

These snowshoes let you trek through the snow without sinking into it.

Snowshoeing is the most accessible winter sport. It’s just like walking, but on giant feet that keep you suspended over the snow. Snowshoes have a long and proud history. Scandinavian people attached pieces of leather to wood blocks to add stability for snowy walks. Other iterations have been extremely long and narrow, while others were practically round. People have tried just about everything to keep from sinking into the snow.

Nowadays, snowshoes have taken a techier turn with durable, lightweight materials, ice-gripping crampons, and cleats. Find specialized snowshoe designs for everything from walking in the snow to climbing mountains and running. If you want to get out and explore snowy trails this winter, here are some excellent snowshoes to get you started.