Just how much did Reggie Bush own Notre Dame?

With Reggie Bush and USC ending their disassociation, it felt like the proper time to relive just how much Bush crushed Notre Dame. Yikes.

Over the years there have been plenty of foes who Notre Dame could not get the number of.  With ESPN reporting that USC is expected to end Reggie Bush’s ten year disassociation from the school, it felt like the proper time to painfully relive some of Bush’s accomplishments at Notre Dame’s expense.

Years before Kim Kardashian was getting countless plastic surgeries she was dating Reggie Bush. And years before that he was as incredible of college football player as I’ve ever watched.

So just how well did Reggie Bush perform against Notre Dame during his three years at USC?

Bush’s Career game log vs. Notre Dame:

2003: 45-14 USC
Rushing: 6 att, 89 yds, TD
Receiving: 1 rec, 38 yds

2004: 41-10 USC
Rushing: 8 car, 25 yds
Receiving: 1 rec, 69 yds, TD

2005: 34-31 USC
Rushing: 15 car, 160 yds, 3 TD
Receiving; 4 rec, 35 yds

3-0 record with USC outscoring Notre Dame by a combined score of 120-55.
Rushing:  29 car, 274 yds (9.4 ypc), 4 TD
Receiving: 6 rec, 142 yds (23.6 ypr), TD

All of that and Reggie Bush’s most memorable play in college football’s greatest inter-sectional rivalry was a play that he didn’t even touch the ball during.


One day I’ll get over that.  Just not today.

Welcome back, Reggie.

Will USC’s disassociation with Reggie Bush be ending soon?

Reggie Bush hasn’t been recognized by USC for ten years. That NCAA punishment is coming to an end and the two reuniting may be coming soon.

Where were you on June 10, 2010?

I was celebrating a Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup victory from the night before and on a plane home from Philadelphia that afternoon.

It was that day however that USC was hit with significant penalties, forcing them to disassociate themselves from the 2005 Heisman Trophy winner, before that award was ultimately taken away.

Wednesday will bring the 10-year anniversary of that ruling which means that disassociation could quickly be coming to an end.

Bush hasn’t been able to represent USC in the last decade.  Even when the Fox Sports pre-game show he stars on went to The Coliseum for the USC vs. Utah game last fall, Bush was cheered but not allowed to be publicly acknowledged in the stadium during the game.

Former USC AD Pat Haden said in 2015 that he wanted to welcome Bush back as soon as possible while former USC sports information director Tim Tessalone said the same a few months back.

Current USC AD Mike Bohn has not publicly spoken on if he will or won’t be welcoming Bush back like others in the USC community desire.

We all saw those USC teams and games – Reggie Bush is a legend, perhaps the best college football player many of us ever saw and should be welcomed back the athletic program he starred for.