‘Destiny 2’ players are unhappy about its new Trials of Osiris skill-based matchmaking

After seven wins, you’re flawless.

Competition is always best when the teams are evenly stacked, right? Well, many Destiny 2 wouldn’t agree, especially now that skill-based matchmaking is part of the Trials of Osiris PvP mode, Kotaku  reported Friday

If you’re not in the know, Trials of Osiris is a 3v3 competitive mode in Destiny 2 that yields loads of great loot for whichever team wins. Developer Bungie wants to make this mode a bit more accessible so that more people can get rewards, as for a while now, getting annihilated by the best players is all too common.

“We are also not happy with the experience of players who have a bad streak of getting repeatedly thrashed 5-0,” Cozmo, community manager at Bungie, said on Bungie’s blog.

“So we are enabling some matchmaking help if someone runs into several blowout matches. This temporary help mechanic clears up once they start winning again, so don’t think someone will cheese a flawless by tanking for a few games and then have a weekend of smooth sailing.”

Basically, if someone is losing, they’ll get matched up against people who are also struggling, while people with seven wins in a row will move up into a ‘flawless’ rank to face others that win more often.

It might not sound like a big deal, but Destiny 2’s PvP community thinks this matchmaking assistance will lead to many issues. Some of the suggested outcomes are folks throwing matches to give their buddies an easy reward to people dropping the mode entirely after attaining the flawless rank. 

The tweets below represent both valid concerns and plenty of over-the-top meme goodness.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF