‘Ultimate polar bear plunge’ finally accomplished at Tacoma zoo

A polar bear at a Tacoma zoo thrilled guests recently when, for the first time, she leaped from her exhibit’s island platform into its saltwater pool.

Polar bear twins at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma, Wash., have been working up the nerve to leap from the exhibit’s island platform since they arrived in June.

This week, one of the bears, named Astra, accomplished the feat in a display of confidence and grace.

The accompanying footage shows the magnificent leap amid muffled cheers of guests watching from behind glass in an underwater viewing station.

The zoo stated via social media: “This was the first time she courageously dove off the island into her saltwater pool – making a beary big SPLASH! Astra and twin sister Laerke have been toying with the idea of leaping from the platform since arriving in June.”

After splashdown, Astra emerged directly in front of guests as if to gauge their response.

Apparently, they were impressed.

“She tucked her chin. Went headfirst. Perfect diving form,” reads one comment.

“A Perfect 10!” reads another.