Chiefs DC Steve Spagnuolo reflects on experience in Germany as an NFL Europe coach

Chiefs DC Steve Spagnuolo reflected on his experience in Germany as an NFL Europe coach

The Kansas City Chiefs are going to Frankfurt, Germany, for the Week 9 battle with the Miami Dolphins. The trip will be a new experience for many traveling but very familiar for one of their coaches.

Chiefs defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo served in the same role for the former NFL Europe team, the Frankfurt Galaxy, in 1998. Spagnuolo reflected on his experience in the now-defunct league and playing in Germany during Thursday’s press conference.

“I had an old windbreaker button-down jacket; I used to have one of those that was purple because we were purple,” Spagnuolo explained. “I think there was a little goal. Yes, something sprinkled in there. Great uniforms. That was a tremendous experience. I loved it. We ended up going to the World Bowl, which was in Frankfurt that year; the Berlin Fire beat us.

“You always remember when you get beat, right? But it was a great atmosphere. The people there. The game was exciting. They cheer constantly. You can’t tell if you did good or bad because they’re always cheering, which is great. They’re really into it. It was it was a great experience. I wish I could find that jacket.”

A reporter mentioned that Travis Kelce has an old Jersey from the team in his locker as Soagnuolo smiled and responded, “Well, Travis can come up with things.”

NFL Cancels Europe Games for 2020 – College Football Impact

The NFL made an announcement Monday that only means bad news for Notre Dame and Navy fans in regards to their August game in Dublin, Ireland

Think back just a couple of months ago to when conference tournaments were getting going and we thought the NCAA Tournament was about to be played in front of empty stadiums.  What happened that ended that from happening?

Rudy Gobert of the Utah Jazz tested positive for coronavirus and as soon as the Dallas Mavericks home contest against the Denver Nuggets ended that night we haven’t seen a big-time sport played in the United States since as the NCAA suspended events the next day.

I remind you of that sequence to tell you that the news of the NFL cancelling all of their games abroad for 2020.

The NCAA wasn’t about to be the first league or organization to step in and cancel things but when the NBA did they felt their hand was forced.

I know we sit and hope for everything to go off as scheduled between Notre Dame and Navy at the end of August, but is the NCAA going to let those two play a contest abroad when the NFL won’t even send their players and team employees?

The chances of that happening are slim to none and and slim is waiting for his jacket at the coat check.

I want to be wrong, I really do.  I was fortunate enough to head to the Emerald Isle in 2012 to take in Notre Dame and Navy and as great as a 50-10 opening day victory was, the trip was downright fantastic before even bringing up the football part.

As much as I’d like to be wrong I simply can’t see the NCAA not following the lead of the NFL here and putting a stop to Notre Dame vs. Navy in Dublin from happening.