New World is free this weekend

Try out the MMORPG at no additional cost.

Amazon Games is letting folks try New World out for the next few days at no additional cost. 

New World will be free from April 7 until April 11, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. PDT // 1:00 P.M. EDT // 5:00 P.M. GMT for PC via Steam. The MMORPG only came out last fall to a fairly positive reception — just don’t name your character after Jeff Bezos

There’s also a hefty 40 percent discount for the Standard and Deluxe Editions of New World. So if it ends up being your cup of tea, jumping back in won’t cost much. These deals are happing until April 18, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. PDT // 1:00 P.M. EDT // 5:00 P.M. GMT.

New World free trial discount

  • Standard Edition on Steam for $23.99 (40% off)
  • Deluxe Edition on Steam for $29.99 (40% off)
  • Standard Edition on Amazon for $23.99 (40% off)
  • Deluxe Edition on Amazon for $29.99 (40% off)

Keep in mind that buying on Amazon gives you a code for the Steam version, so there’s no difference between the two.

There’s some new content on the way to New World, including the Blunderbuss weapon, different open world sections, and various quality of life improvements. Good to see Amazon Games is still is supporting New World despite Lost Ark becoming the company’s golden child.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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Amazon disables wealth transfers in ‘New World’ due to gold dupe exploit

Guild treasuries, player-to-player transfers, trading posts and sending currencies are off.

Just like in real life, Amazon has disabled wealth transfers in New World, its fresh-faced MMO. Guild treasuries, player-to-player transfers, trading posts and sending currencies have all been turned off in a bid to fight a gold duplication exploit.

These systems will be disabled until Amazon figures out how to stop the exploit. Until then, there will be serious consequences for anyone caught using the gold duplication exploit to get ahead. Watch out, Bezos.

“Any player that has engaged in the use of this exploit will be actioned against,” according to Amazon.

If you’re wondering what the fuss is about, MMOs are underpinned by a virtual economy and exploits such as this can ruin the experience for legitimate players.

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It’s normal for a new MMO to have teething issues such as this. Hell, Final Fantasy 14 was a big mess at launch, but now it’s considered one of the best games ever made by many. No doubt Amazon will get a handle on the issues plaguing New World as well.

While you wait for that to happen, do stay away from any exploits that do pop up. You’ll likely end up getting your account banned if you don’t, and that means you’ll have to spend real money on another copy.

Written by Kirk McKeand on behalf of GLHF.

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Jeff Bezos happy with the success of ‘New World’ after several failures from Amazon Games

If at first you don’t succeed…

Amazon Games has a success story on its hands with New World, and nobody is happier about it than Jeff Bezos. The company’s founder and executive chairman acknowledged that there were many failures from its gaming division before success finally took shape with New World

“After many failures and setbacks in gaming, we have a success,” Bezos said on Twitter. “So proud of the team for the persistence. View setbacks as helpful obstacles that drive learning. Whatever your goals are, don’t give up no matter how hard it gets.”

Those obstacles Bezos refers to are games like Breakaway and Crucible — the former got canceled before it could even come out, while the latter was shut down not long after launch. While framing New World’s success as an underdog story is silly considering Amazon’s resources, the fact is things were looking dismal before MMORPG came along. 

Since New World’s launch on Tuesday, it has managed to reach a concurrent player count of over 800,000 players, according to SteamDB. Even beating Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to be the most played game on Steam. 

Though despite how thrilled Bezos might be with the news, he still doesn’t want anyone naming their New World Character after him

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF

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Amazon’s MMORPG ‘New World’ will not let you name a character after Jeff Bezos

Big shocker, eh?

New World  from Amazon Games is a bonafide hit, and it seems as though the studio anticipated meme enthusiasts would be into it. Since, well, you can’t name a character after Amazon’s founder and executive chairman Jeff Bezos, PC Gamer Reported Tuesday

Neither “Bezos” nor “Amazon” can appear in character names at all. The same goes for variations like “Bez0s,” “JeffB,” or “Be Zos” as all give a message claiming they “cannot be used” — Amazon Games clearly gave this a lot of thought. It’s not uncommon for MMORPGs to disallow specific names from the get-go, though. 

For example, Final Fantasy XIV won’t let players name their characters “Cloud Strife” because that’s the protagonist from Final Fantasy VII. Of course, loads of offensive slurs and bigoted language are never allowed in these sorts of games either. But the founder of a game’s parent company? That’s a new one.

It’s not terribly surprising that Amazon Games want to quell any potential memes before they happen, though, as the studio doesn’t have the best track record. Its first effort was a team-based brawler Breakaway that got canceled before it came out. Then last year, Crucible came out to scathing reviews before being quickly shut down. So yeah, New World is the studio’s first success story. Thus far, anyway.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF

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‘New World’ almost reaches a million concurrent players on Steam

Amazon’s new MMORPG is popular, it seems.

Well, it seems as though Amazon Game Studio’s MMORPG New World is a hit if the numbers are any indication. During its launch on Tuesday, New World catapulted into Steam’s 10 ten most popular games, with over 700,000 players logged in concurrently at its peak. 

According to SteamDBNew World’s all-time peak concurrent player count is 707,230, which puts it just behind Steam’s top-dog Counter-Strike: Global Offensive’s peak today of 757,827 simultaneous players. It’s an impressive feat, as games rarely ever reach those sort of numbers on Steam. Especially an MMORPG on its first day!

Unsurprisingly, its developers are struggling to meet the demand, leaving a disclaimer about server instability and how they are trying to get everything ship-shape. 

“It has been an unbelievable 24 hours and the support for New World that we’ve seen so far has been incredible,” Amazon Game Studios said in a statement. “We understand that some players are experiencing lengthy queue times and we are working hard on a few things to help address these issues.”

Check out the entire message for yourself below.

Where all the interest for New World came from is anybody’s guess. However, it might be a combination of World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV players looking for something different, as new MMORPGs rarely come out these days.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF

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The open beta for ‘New World’ starts September 9

Clash swords with fellow adventurers from all over the world in this public stress test.

New World’s open beta is coming on September 9 for anyone eager to try out the exploration-based MMORPG that’s stealing World of Warcraft‘s thunder. 

Hopping into New World’s beta is as easy as requesting access on its Steam page once it’s available, which Amazon Game Studios said should be ready by September 8. Again, this is a stress test of sorts, so even if you get in, there’s a good chance its servers will capsize like the old Viking Gokstad ships that are all over the game. 

Coinciding with the open beta announcement is a new trailer for New World, which you can watch below.

Amazon Games Studios have stated that participating in the open beta for New World won’t require purchasing the game itself. So if you’re even slightly interested, it might be worth giving it a go. During the closed beta, New World hit 200,000 concurrent players. A staggering feat for a brand-new MMORPG, so it’s clear that the hype is real. 

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF

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