Marcus Freeman Linked To Alabama Job: Is He A Good Fit?

Freeman named as a potential Saban replacement – but is he a fit?

Every time things seem to settle down in the world of college football, the next big “thing” happens. The latest news is Nick Saban’s retirement from Alabama. This news is not a shock to me after I learned early last year of a mansion Saban purchased near the Tiger Woods compound in Jupiter, Florida.

I took this and the local Jupiter chatter surrounding it as a clear sign.

With more title rings than one hand can handle and a magnificent 206-29 record — six of those losses came in his first year — Saban’s reputation will live forever. But soon the attention will move to the future.

What direction will Alabama go in for their next hire? According to ESPN’s Pete Thamel, Marcus Freeman is on the candidate list. This is very interesting.

Let’s examine if Freeman would be a fit for Alabama.

Welcomed Pressure Awaits Freeman & Notre Dame in 2024

Year three tends to tell the story for coaches at Notre Dame. How will Freeman’s third year go?

Time flies doesn’t it folks? It feels like just yesterday we were discussing Marcus Freeman getting the head job at Notre Dame and now we are already discussing what year three will look like. A lot has happened. A lot has changed. There have been a lot of ups and downs in play as Freeman has tried to find his footing under the bright lights of Notre Dame Stadium.

For multiple reasons, justified ones, there will be a ramped-up level of pressure on the Irish to perform very well in 2024. It just feels like the time has come to start delivering. The fans and media are ready for it and it feels like the program is at a turning point. Let’s discuss this incoming pressure and why Marcus Freeman welcomes it.

Notre Dame Fans Want To Believe: Is It Justified This Time?

There is certainly hype – is it more real this time around?

2023 ended strongly for the Notre Dame football program.

A blowout bowl game win, a great offensive coordinator hire and successful runs in the portal and the early signing period have brightened Irish moods. The program really does feel like they are trending up.

The issue is Notre Dame fans feel like they’ve been here before. Living on hope and future promises never kept. Many are asking why they should consider this time will end any differently. The answer to me is simple. The program is being built differently than at any other time in the last 30 years.

Let’s examine the different ways this is the case in more detail.

Notre Dame Football: 2024 New Year Resolutions

A few resolutions for Notre Dame football in 2024

Notre Dame football is ushering in the new year riding a wave of momentum. They had a very successful early signing day, hired Mike Denbrock away from LSU, and blew out Oregon St. to close out the season. Notre Dame is trending up for 2024.

With the turn of the calendar top of mind and progress for the football program always there as well, let’s have some fun and go over 5 New Year Resolutions for Notre Dame Football to make for 2024. It feels like the program is close to “turning a corner”.

Are they?

What else needs to change before the Irish can be considered “elite”?

2023 Sun Bowl: End Of A Beginning for Notre Dame

There is still a game to play to finish up 2023!

In an odd twist of football fate, Notre Dame’s last few weeks have had more excitement than the last couple of weeks that featured actual games. All of the transfers, all of the opt-outs, and of course, the Mike Denbrock news. It’s been a lot to take in and process. But one thing is for sure, Irish fans are excited about the future.

But the Sun Bowl isn’t in the future, it’s in the present. Notre Dame and Marcus Freeman really want to notch win number 10 heading into what seems to be an ultra-bright future with the roster turning over to the plus side and a staff that breeds confidence on not one, but both sides of the ball. In a way, this game is the end of the beginning of the Marcus Freeman era. And Irish fans feel like they are really going to like what comes next.

Let’s talk about three keys to an Irish victory.

Watch: Notre Dame football levels up on season recap video

Leveling up in 2021

Although this past season was not quiet as successful as last year, going 11-1, their only loss to a College Football Playoff participant in Cincinnati, and making a New Year’s Six bowl game is still one hell of a season.

What makes it even better is when the official Notre Dame Football Twitter account creates a video to recap the season. With social media being such an important part of programs in this age of football, having a staff that puts out great content is paramount. The Irish have exactly that and once again shared a video recapping this great season. Take a look for yourself below.

Help Notre Dame football commit CJ Carr raise money in memory of his late brother

Already making Irish nation proud!

[autotag]Notre Dame football[/autotag] commit [autotag]CJ Carr[/autotag] tragically lost his younger brother, Chad, to an inoperable brain tumor in November of 2015.

There are multiple ways that CJ remembers Chad, one being a tattoo on his right wrist. Another is raising money in an effort to educate people on diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, which was the condition that took his brothers life.

Carr took to X, the website formerly known as Twitter, for people to join in his cause on Saturday, September 16th in a RunTough event. You can participate virtually, as many people who have opted to join the run are from all across the country.

Although Carr has yet to suit up in blue and gold, he is already making Irish nation proud with his commitment to giving back to the community.

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Contact/Follow us @IrishWireND on X (Formerly Twitter), and like our page on Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Notre Dame news, notes, and opinions.

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Notre Dame football’s offense has been historically great this season

A very impressive season of scoring from the Irish in 2023

Although it may have seemed like Notre Dame football’s offense has struggled this year, that is not exactly the case.

Yes, there was a 14 and 23 point outputs this season, but as The Athletic’s Pete Sampson points out, this Irish offense has been the best over the last 55 years. You read that right, since 1968, no other Notre Dame team has averaged more points than this year’s version at 37.5 per game.

Sampson expands on the stats, noting that the Irish are also gaining 6.83 yards-per-play, which is just behind the best number of all-time for Notre Dame. The Irish offense ranks No. 10 in the nation in that stat as well.

The defense has played a part in the offense success, but that still shouldn’t distract you from the solid play from the Notre Dame offense in 2023.

Contact/Follow us @IrishWireND on X (Formerly Twitter), and like our page on Facebook to follow ongoing coverage of Notre Dame news, notes, and opinions.

Follow Mike on X: @MikeFChen

Never A Dull Moment: Gerad Parker Leaving Notre Dame

Notre Dame was handed a gift when Gerad Parker was named head coach at Troy. Find out more about what that means now!

There’s never a dull moment in Notre Dame land. Just when you feel like things have leveled off for the Irish after a chaotic last couple of weeks, boom, more breaking news. This week the news is that Notre Dame offensive coordinator Gerad Parker will soon be named Troy’s head coach.

Around and around we go.

As for the fan base, there are certainly some folks who were excited to see what Parker could do in year 2 at the offensive helm, noting that his offense did average over 39 points-per-game. But the larger majority felt as though the offensive numbers were padded against poor defenses and then the offense struggled to accomplish much against the top-tier defenses faced. So here we sit. For now, quarterbacks coach Gino Guidugli will assume play-calling duties for the bowl game while the search for a replacement ensues.

Let’s examine some things to keep in mind regarding this dynamic.

Irish Fans Are In A Tough Spot

As the dog days of summer begin to die down, the Irish faithful are ramping up in terms of both anxiety and excitement. The schedule is challenging and all eyes locally and notionally are focused on Marcus Freeman in his second year at the helm. Can …

As the dog days of summer begin to die down, the Irish faithful are ramping up in terms of both anxiety and excitement. The schedule is challenging and all eyes locally and notionally are focused on Marcus Freeman in his second year at the helm.

Can the Irish improve on their 4-loss regular season? What happens in the marquee 3? Can Notre Dame avoid having losses to teams such as Marshall & Stanford this year? How might recruiting shift in the season based on the game results? How much better is Notre Dame with Sam Hartman under center? In 5 more weeks, some answers to these questions will start to unveil themselves.

Irish fans are in a tough spot right now. Anxious to be elite after decades of not being so but yet trying to also be understanding of Freeman’s learning curve and be patient with him. Let’s explore just how tough walking this tightrope will be.