Celtics Lab 26: COVID, coup attempts and the NBA last week

In this episode, we talk one of the most historic weeks in memory, and how intersecting currents are impacting this season with N. Jeremi Duru.

In what can only be described as a historic week full of infamy, risk and the solace we find in sport, even that realm was rocked by turbulence of the typical and extraordinary.

In this episode, we welcome back friend of the pod and NBA collective bargaining expert professor N. Jeremi Duru to talk everything from the seemingly growing COVID-19 crisis the league is facing to the attempted assault on the peaceful transfer of power that occurred in Washington D.C. on January 6th, 2021 – as well as what the role of athletes, the media and the academics who cover both are in a moment of unparalleled national tumult.

We even get around to talking about the more quotidian side of the league and team we cover, addressing the Celtics’ return to play in the shadow of the pandemic — and of course the impact of a certain trade taking place with a certain team in the New York market.

Join Alex Goldberg of Off the Glass and Justin Quinn of Celtics Wire as we dive in deep as we ever have — we think this podcast an important one, and we hope it keeps some important conversations circulating in these uncertain times.

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