Discover historic wonders at Montana’s Pictograph Cave State Park

Witness the magic.

One of the West’s most prolific archeological sites is surprisingly accessible. Pictograph Cave State Park is right outside of Billings, Montana. It’s famous for pictographs inside caves and for a phenomenal dig in the 1930s that revealed more than 30,000 artifacts.

“That really put it on the map of archeology in the West,” said Richard Tooke, the park’s ranger/manager/chief cook and bottle washer.

The 23-acre park includes three caves and is located about seven miles south of Billings. At roughly 50,000 visitors per year, it’s one of the busiest parks in south-central Montana. But when I visited on a Monday morning in early June, there were only a few other folks around. Here’s what I saw there and what you can look forward to when you visit.

A rock and grass landscape at Pictograph Cave State Park in Montana.
Photo by Teresa Bergen


So, what do the pictographs depict? It’s hard to say for a couple of reasons.

“At least 12 different Northern Plains Indigenous tribes were in and out of here,” said Tooke. Modern Indigenous people might not know what all the pictographs represent. And if they do, they might not want to share that intel with outsiders. Plus, the porous sandstone is not a permanent artistic medium. When people started studying the pictographs in the 1930s, artists recorded about 105 of them. Now it’s hard to see half that many, as rock layers slough off and minerals build up.

Tooke estimates that Montana has 650 to 700 known pictograph sites. Most are on private ranch lands or on remote public lands. “This is one of the few places where people can just get off the interstate and in ten minutes hike up to the cave and see rock art and kind of contemplate this history of these native people being there for thousands of years doing everything people do in life,” Tooke said. The rock art chronicles the lives of long-ago people.  “Some of it’s about their spirituality, some of it is simply you know, a grocery list. A grouping of animals, perhaps. This is what you can find here when you hunt and gather.”

A cave wall with pictographs at Pictograph Cave State Park in Montana.
Photo by Teresa Bergen

In winter, warm air occasionally hits the super chilled rock just right, and additional pictographs become visible. On those days, “You can see 20 or 30 more pictographs than you can see on a drier surface,” Tooke said. The local Crow people call this place Alahpaláaxawaalaatuua, which means a place where there is spirit writing. Tooke said that many visitors still consider the park a place with “a heavy presence of spirits and energy.”

A cave wall with faint pictographs at Pictograph Cave State Park in Montana.
Photo by Teresa Bergen

I visited on a dry day where it was hard to identify all but the most obvious pictographs, such as a grouping of red rifles. I relied heavily on signage to help me find the pictographs on the cave wall.

A sign titled "viewing the pictographs today" at Pictograph Cave State Park in Montana.
Saved from confusion by the interpretive sign! / Photo by Teresa Bergen

Wildlife at Pictograph Cave State Park

Pictograph Cave State Park is also popular with migratory birds and other wildlife. The visitor center posts a list of about three dozen birds that have recently flown by, including the pinyon jay, northern flicker, Merriam turkey, and the hairy woodpecker.

Tooke told me about a mule deer who for several years running left her fawn on the floor of one of the caves while she went off to forage. “She was pretty smart about leaving her baby where the people would probably dissuade any big cat from coming through,” he said.

The park also has porcupines, coyotes, mule deer, bobcats, mountain lions, and five different types of snakes. Indeed, I was impressed by the most aggressive depiction of a rattlesnake I’ve ever seen on a park warning sign.

A "beware of rattlesnakes" sign at Pictograph Cave State Park in Montana.
Photo by Teresa Bergen

Pictograph Cave State Park recreation and education

Visitors also come for recreation. Hikers enjoy a circular trail system, while cyclists like the park roads. Even bikers enjoy the region.

“There’s a lot of motorcycle rallies in the area, and those guys are always in and out,” Tooke said.

In addition to offering recreation opportunities, education is a big part of the park’s job. In the fall, many school groups visit. Montana’s Indian Education for All program requires school curricula to cover Indigenous people. A trip to see the pictographs is a fun way to learn. Astronomy clubs also like to bring their telescopes for night sky viewing events.

Artifacts in a glass case at Pictograph Cave State Park in Montana.
Photo by Teresa Bergen

Tooke is happy to lead the park’s conservation mission. He explains that he enjoys “taking care of these kind of roadside attractions that have historic cultural meaning and are part of our heritage as Montanans.” Tooke adds that Montanans “take pride in our state park systems and the place we live in.”

Pictograph Cave State Park is open year-round: seven days a week in summer, and five days a week the rest of the year.

Negotiations for Commanders’ potential return to D.C. remain stuck

There has been progress in the talks between the Wetzel family and the Commanders.

Earlier this year, there was excitement about the Washington Commanders and a potential return to the nation’s capital. The House of Representatives passed a bill granting the District a 99-year lease for the land where RFK Stadium sits.

The bill followed the recent goodwill between the organization and the city, which began when new owner Josh Harris purchased the team from Daniel Snyder last summer. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser went on record multiple times stating that the Commanders’ next stadium should be in D.C.

Harris and the team have options. Maryland — where the team currently plays its home games — wants to keep the team. In Virginia, where the team’s headquarters is located, Gov. Glenn Youngkin said the state is a “great place” for a new Commanders stadium.

While the Commanders haven’t tipped their hand on where they want to build a new stadium, the District would appear to be the preferred choice. Harris and minority owners Mitch Rales and Mark Ein all grew up in the Washington area, going to games at RFK Stadium as kids.

So, if the House approved this with rare bipartisan support, why isn’t this moving along?

As of now, it remains stuck in the Senate. Montana Sen. Steve Daines, the ranking member of the National Parks Subcommittee, has said he will continue to hold up the bill unless the Commanders find a way to honor the legacy of Walter “Blackie” Wetzel, who created the logo for the team’s former name that was retired in 2020.

According to A.J. Perez of Front Office Sports, Daines, the Commanders and the Wetzel family are continuing to work out a deal. Daines represents Montana, where the Wetzel family is from, and the Blackfeet tribe he was a member of is also based in Montana.

“We have been very pleased with the conversations we’ve had with the Commanders,” Ryan Wetzel, grandson of the late Wetzel, told Perez and Front Office Sports. “The three of us — meaning the Commanders, Daines’s office, and the Wetzel family — have made headway, and some steps being made that will please the D.C. community and the fan base.”

In his latest report on the story, Perez noted that one Senate aide said the bill is “unlikely to see any more action until after Thanksgiving.”

That’s good and bad. The Commanders have no known timeframe to make a deal, though the lease at Commanders Field is set to expire in 2027. The quicker this is resolved, the sooner Harris and his group can begin making plans for the team’s new home. The extra time also gives all three sides more chances to strike a deal in which everyone feels like they win.

That’s rare — almost as rare as any bill finding bipartisan support at all levels of the government.

Wetzel’s grandson made it clear that it’s not about the name; it’s about the logo his grandfather created, which was a “profile of pride for Native American communities.”

Montana antler hunter kills grizzly bear during tense encounter

The man, who was not carrying bear spray, drew a handgun and fired five shots at the charging bear.

A Montana shed-antler hunter shot and killed an aggressive grizzly bear last week shortly after spotting the animal’s tracks.

According to Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the incident occurred April 25 on private land near Wolf Creek, as the man searched for shed antlers with two dogs.

“After seeing a fresh grizzly bear track in a snow patch, he continued along his path and a few minutes later he first saw the bear standing near the top of the ridge about 20 yards away,” FPW explained in a news release.

“The bear dropped to all four legs and charged the man, who drew his handgun and fired five shots from distances about 30 feet to 10 feet, grazing the bear with a one shot and hitting and killing it with another shot.”

The man was not carrying bear spray.

The 12-year-old, 300-pound bear was a momma with a new cub. The cub was captured and will likely spend its life in a zoo.

Runaway elephant escapes traveling circus, blocks traffic in Montana

Circus? Empty. Elephant? Here.

Imagine sitting in traffic on your way to or back from work. Sure, being stuck behind a million cars is boring, but at least you know it’ll clear up soon, and you’ll be on your way. Unfortunately for a road full of commuters in Butte, Montana, that reassurance was lost when a runaway elephant escaped from a nearby traveling circus and ran wild in the street.

This cartoonish incident occurred on Tuesday, April 16. According to the BBC and local news reports, Butte Civic Center manager Bill Melvin claimed the elephant was loose for roughly 10 minutes before returning to its trailer.

Watch one witness’s amused account of the fiasco in the wild video below.

Note: The featured image is a stock photo used to illustrate the story.

Mind-blowing sights you’ll see on Glacier National Park’s best hike

It’s a stunner.

Glacier National Park’s Avalanche Lake Trail is one of the best hikes in Montana. Some hikers may even consider it the best hike in America. Join us on a trek through the woods to see what makes Avalanche Lake so special.

Two key factors help determine a trail’s popularity: accessibility and scenery. Spectacular views draw people to a trail, and accessibility ensures that those visitors can actually enjoy exploring the trail. While few trails are accessible to all people, the Avalanche Lake hike’s moderate difficulty makes it manageable for a wide audience of hikers. Plus, the Trail of the Cedars section of the hike is accessible using off-road wheelchairs.

Now, let’s dive into the scenery you can look forward to during your Avalanche Lake hike. If you’re looking for crystal clear waters and breathtaking natural landscapes, you’re in luck. Here are seven photos showing off the best of Glacier National Park’s Avalanche Lake hike.

Montana boosts reward in wolverine poaching case

Montana authorities are hoping that an increased reward will help them catch the person who killed one of the state’s rarest animals.

Montana authorities are hoping that an increased reward will lead to the identification of the person who killed a protected wolverine – one of the state’s rare animals.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks announced last week that the wolverine carcass was discovered Nov. 10 on a U.S. Forest Service Road northwest of Wisdom.

The animal had been shot, skinned, and left to waste.

On Monday the Center for Biodiversity announced that it had helped the state increase the reward “for information leading to a successful prosecution” from $1,000 to $11,000.

“The wolverine was shot dead and skinned along a closed U.S. Forest Service road on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest,” the Center for Biodiversity stated via social media. “Scientists estimate wolverine populations in the lower 48 may be fewer than 300 animals, making this death significant.”

The elusive mammals inhabit mostly remote, high-altitude terrain and encounters with humans are rare.

Poacher kills one of Montana’s rarest critters; probe launched

Authorities in Montana are seeking public assistance in identifying the person responsible for the illegal killing of a wolverine.

Authorities in Montana are seeking public assistance in identifying the person responsible for illegally killing a wolverine.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks on Thursday said the wolverine carcass was discovered Nov. 10 on U.S. Forest Service Road 7377, northwest of Wisdom.

The animal had been shot, skinned, and left to rot.

Wolverines, described by Fish, Wildlife & Parks as “one of Montana’s rarest animals,” are protected and cannot be legally hunted or trapped.

The stout mammals, which inhabit mostly remote, high-altitude regions of Alaska, Canada, and the northwest continental U.S., are elusive and encounters are rare.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

Their populations and movements are poorly understood, but studies have shown that they roam long distances while expanding home ranges.

Wolverines are almost bear-like in appearance and can be ferocious. Fish, Wildlife & Parks states on its website: “Some describe a wolverine as an animal with a thousand pounds of attitude in a 30-pound body.”

According to the National Wildlife Federation, resident populations exist in Alaska, Canada and Russia, as well as Washington, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and a small portion of Oregon.

A wolverine sighting in Yellowstone National Park early last March generated lots of excitement because sightings in the park are so rare.

Wisdom is located about 200 miles northwest of Yellowstone.

–Generic wolverine images courtesy of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

Montana hunter kills grizzly bear near hibernation site

A Montana hunter has killed a grizzly bear in self-defense near where the animal had been digging a hibernation den.

A Montana hunter shot and killed a grizzly bear in apparent self-defense Saturday as the bruin charged the hunter.

According to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, the adult female grizzly bear, which had no history of conflict with humans, “appeared to be digging a den where the encounter took place.”

Grizzly bears are foraging in advance of hibernation and the hunter apparently surprised the animal. The incident occurred near Ennis in the Gravelly Range in Madison County.

Gravelly Range in Montana

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks stated in a news release: “This time of year is when bears are active for longer periods as they prepare for hibernation.

“This period overlaps with hunting season and other fall recreation activities. Hunters should be aware that bears will remain active throughout the general [hunting] season.”

Grizzly bears are federally protected under the Endangered Species Act and can only be killed legally in cases of self-defense.

The incident is under investigation by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

–Generic grizzly bear image courtesy of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Search fails to locate grizzly bear responsible for Montana attack

A Montana field investigation following the Sept. 8 mauling of a man by a grizzly bear has failed to locate a dead or injured bear.

A Montana field investigation following the Sept. 8 mauling of a man by a grizzly bear has failed to locate the bear believed responsible for the attack.

Rudy Noorlander was seriously injured during the attack in the Madison Range south of Big Sky. He remains in critical but stable condition.

One of Noorlander’s companions fired at the bear moments after it attacked, causing the animal to flee.

KateLynn Noorlander, Rudy’s daughter, has launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for medical costs. She stated that her father was trying to help hunters locate a deer they had shot when the bear charged him during a surprise encounter.

“Rudy aimed his gun at the bear but his firearm misfired, making his best choice of defense his fists as he did not have any time to get his bear spray from his backpack,” KateLynn stated in the GoFundMe post.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks explained Wednesday in a news release that an aerial search failed to locate a dead or injured bear.

“FWP grizzly bear specialists and game wardens, as well deputies from the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office, revisited the attack site Tuesday,” FWP stated. “They searched the area near the attack site from the ground and with an infrared drone and didn’t locate a dead or wounded bear.

“However, they found signs of high bear activity, including the remains of a cached animal carcass, whitebark pine middens and bear scat. This evidence indicates the bear attacked defensively in a surprise, close encounter with the victim.”

The investigation has concluded but the area remains under an emergency closure implemented by the Custer Gallatin National Forest.

Idaho elk hunters latest to kill protected grizzly bear

In the past three weeks, sportsmen in Montana and Idaho have killed three protected grizzly bears in apparent cases of self-defense.

In the past three weeks, sportsmen in Montana and Idaho have killed three protected grizzly bears in apparent cases of self-defense.

The latest incident occurred Sept. 1, when two elk hunters in Idaho killed a grizzly bear after a surprise encounter in dense brush west of Island Park Reservoir.

The hunters were targeting elk with archery equipment but used sidearms to dispatch the bear.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game stated in a news release that after “a thorough investigation” the hunters’ actions were deemed to have been in self-defense.

(Grizzly bears are protected by state and federal law.)

On Sept. 2 in Montana, an angler shot and killed a grizzly bear after a surprise encounter on private land along Tim Miner Creek, north of Yellowstone National Park.

On August 26, two Montana hunters shot and killed a female grizzly bear while scouting in the Whitefish Range in advance of fall hunting seasons for legal game.

Both hunters opened fire when the bear charged; one was accidentally shot in the shoulder and required hospitalization.

The bear’s cub ran off and it’s unclear if it has since been located.

Each incident involved a bear being surprised in close quarters and charging in a defensive behavior.

With fall hunting seasons getting underway, the IDFG advised hunters to be on the constant lookout for signs of bear activity and heed this advice:

“When not hunting, make noise, especially around creeks and thick vegetation. Most attacks occur by inadvertently surprising a bear at close range.”

–Generic grizzly bear image courtesy of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game