City of Farmington has hand-washing tip for coronavirus (COVID-19) — related to Minnesota sports

The city of Farmington Twitter account wanted to inform its readers using a joke about Minnesota sports.

The City of Farmington, Minnesota wanted to remind people to wash their hands as the coronavirus continues to spread across the United States and across the world.

What does this have to with Minnesota sports? Well, Farmington’s Twitter account wanted to remind people to wash their hands, as if they’re “trying to scrub away the disappointment of Minnesota sports.”

The city’s account wrote this above the tweet:

“Here’s our tip on preventing the spread of Coronavirus!” The city said in a tweet. “In all seriousness, wash your hands and stay home if you’re sick. Visit the Minnesota Department of Health’s website for information on this virus, and how to prepare and prevent the spread.”

Washing your hands is important, especially in times like these. But trying to scrub away the disappointment of Minnesota sports? That’s a tall order. You might be scrubbing all day. Oh well, at least Minnesotans have the Lynx.

Read this piece by USA TODAY for more on the coronavirus.