Attached to tonight’s filing are three …

Attached to tonight’s filing are three declarations from Warriors fans who support Ujiri’s version of the incident. “I witnessed Deputy Strickland put out his arm and touch Mr. Ujiri,” wrote Greg Wiener. “I witnessed Mr. Ujiri then brush Deputy Strickland’s arm away. I witnessed Deputy Strickland then push Mr. Ujiri in the chest and Mr. Ujiri subsequently push Deputy Strickland in the chest with two hands. When Mr. Ujiri pushed Deputy Strickland, I saw that Mr. Ujiri’s hands landed squarely on Deputy Strickland’s chest. Deputy Strickland did not fall to the ground during the altercation. 4. After the altercation, Deputy Strickland resumed his post to my immediate left-hand side and did not appear to be injured.” In his counterclaim, Ujiri is seeking “nominal and punitive damages.”

Ujiri did have credentials out; he was …

Ujiri did have credentials out; he was seen on the video tucking his badge into his suit pocket. He was thrilled and he was trying to rush down to congratulate his victorious team. But Strickland tried to stop him, putting out his arm to block his path. Strickland is seen in the high-definition security video pushing Ujiri in the chest, as an onlooker grabs at the deputy’s shoulder to calm him down. Strickland pushes him a second time.

At that point, Ujiri shoves the deputy …

Adrian Wojnarowski: Raptors …

Marc J. Spears: The Raptors are …

Marc J. Spears: The Raptors are sporting “I AM A HUMAN” swag developed by a black designer in Toronto and made by a black company in Orlando (Masai Ujiri) pictured.