Why Le’Veon Bell talks to Adam Gase more than any coach he’s had

Jets RB Le’Veon Bell talks to Adam Gase more than any head coach he’s had because of Gase’s offensive background.

The relationship between Le’Veon Bell and Adam Gase wasn’t portrayed in the best of lights during the duo’s first year in New York, but the running back isn’t quite sure why.

From the get-go, there were reports that Gase didn’t agree with spending a ton of money on a back like Bell, a decision that was made by former general manager Mike Maccagnan. From there, much attention was paid to Gase’s usage of Bell, which was often either head-scratching or minimal.

Bell, however, insists the two get along just fine. In fact, he talks to Gase more than any other head coach he’s ever played for.

“I’ve never played for an offensive-minded coach,” Bell recently explained to Hot 97 radio. “So I’ve talked to him more than any other coach that I’ve ever talked to in my life.

“So I don’t get how people get that relationship thing – it must have been a rumor before I got there. But since I got there, me and him don’t have no problems.”

Before Bell signed a four-year, $52.5 million deal — which includes a $35 million guarantee — he played under Mike Tomlin from 2013-18 in Pittsburgh. Tomlin, who has been the Steelers’ head coach since 2007, comes from a defensive background, serving as the Minnesota Vikings defensive coordinator in 2006 and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defensive backs coach from 2001-05.

Even at Michigan State, Bell’s former head coach, Mark Dantonio, has a defensive background that dates back to 1982 when he was the defensive coordinator for Butler Community College in El Dorado, Kansas.

However, Gase is different and so is the relationship that Bell maintains with his head coach. Still, Bell endured the worst statistical season of his career in Gase’s offensive scheme, which Bell called “the toughest offense he’s played in.” For all their communicating, there appeared to be a disconnect between the two in 2019.

Following the conclusion of the season, a reporter asked Gase if he wanted Bell back in 2020. Gase deflected the question to his general manager Joe Douglas, who was scheduled to talk to reporters the following day.

“He’s under contract for three more years,” Gase replied. You can ask Joe (Douglas) tomorrow.”

Bell didn’t seem too thrilled with Gase’s response on Twitter.

Still, Bell has remained adamant that the two maintain a healthy working relationship. With Gase’s attention solely on the offense, it’s only natural that the two would be in constant contact. There’s hope that with a year of playing under Gase, Bell can prove last season was a fluke.

It’s encouraging that the two have formed a consistent line of communication, especially considering how much the run game needs to improve in 2020. However, it will take more than just talk for both men to redeem their first seasons with the Jets.