“On the 4th of July, our family …

“On the 4th of July, our family normally honors the service of those who fought for our freedom, including my father who is a Vietnam War Veteran,’ she continued. ‘It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year” ‘I realize you are dealing with so much, but please don’t forget about me and the other American Detainees,’ Griner wrote. ‘Please do all you can to bring us home. I voted for the first time in 2020 and I voted for you. I believe in you. I still have so much good to do with my freedom that you can help restore. I miss my wife! I miss my family! I miss my teammates! It kills me to know they are suffering so much right now. I am grateful for whatever you can do at this moment to get me home.’

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell schools Jim Jordan on the first amendment

In a surprise twist, Goodell was not the biggest villain in the room for once.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell testified at a House Oversight Committee hearing yesterday on the toxic workplace culture of the Washington Commanders. In a surprise twist, Goodell was not the biggest villain in the room for once.

Rather than take the allegations against team owner Daniel Snyder seriously, House Republicans used the opportunity to engage in partisan politics. Led by Ohio rep Jim Jordan, they grandstanded, gaslighted and blamed President Joe Biden for global inflation and high gas prices – spurred in large part by price gouging from oil companies and Russia’s criminal invasion of Ukraine.

They also deflected attention from the allegations (which include sexual assault) by sucking up to Dave Portnoy and attacking the NFL. Watch Jordan try to challenge Commissioner Goodell on Jack del Rio’s recent $100,000 fine for his comments downplaying the violent January 6 insurrection only to get schooled on the first amendment.

Snyder elected not to show up for the hearing. Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney says she will issue a subpoena to compel him to testify.

Seattle is not scheduled to play Washington this coming season and it’s unlikely either team will make the playoffs with their current rosters.

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Chris Paul: Incredibly humbled to be …

Chris Paul: Incredibly humbled to be appointed to President Biden’s HBCU Board of Advisors. Looking forward to working with this amazing group to continue to elevate these historical institutions. #HBCUlove

President Joe Biden will announce …

President Joe Biden will announce Thursday that he is appointing more than a dozen top education leaders, celebrities and athletes to his board of advisers on historically Black colleges and universities, the White House said. Actress Taraji P. Henson, NBA star Chris Paul, and United Airlines president Brett Hart are among the 18 members of the President’s board of advisers on HBCUs. Paul was until last year the longtime head of the National Basketball Players Association.

President Biden weighs in on Washington’s new name

President Biden tweeted about Washington’s new name — and Ron Rivera responded.

The Washington Football Team is now the Washington Commanders. After Washington unveiled its new name Wednesday, there was plenty of reaction from around the NFL. Fans, players and media had fun with Washington’s rebranding, with some liking the new name and logo, and others, well, not so much.

President Joe Biden also weighed in on Washington’s new name, sending out the following tweet:

“I supposed there’s room for two Commanders in this town.”

Biden is referring to his dog, a German Shepherd named “Commander.”

It didn’t take long for Washington head coach Ron Rivera to respond to President Biden’s tweet.

Biden’s granddaughter, Naomi, also tweeted about Washington’s new name, wondering if the team needed a mascot.

Washington team president Jason Wright did say Washington was still working on a fight song and a mascot.


Chargers ovacionan a Vicente Fernández en partido de la NFL

Los aficionados de Chargers en Los Angeles le brindaron un merecido homenaje a Vicente Fernández y no fueron los únicos.

La mañana del domingo, a los 81 años, murió el rey de la canción ranchera, Vicente Fernández. Ídolo de multitudes que la NFL no pasó desapercibido.

Durante el juego entre Chargers y Giants en el SoFi Stadium el sonido local recordó al intérprete mexicano con uno de sus temas más emblemáticos, “Volver, volver volver”.

Los aficionados de Chargers en Los Angeles le brindaron un merecido homenaje a Vicente Fernández y no fueron los únicos.

Durante la final del futbol mexicano en la cancha del Estadio Jalisco, los aficionados rojinegros interpretaron el mismo tema que sonó en Los Angeles y le brindaron un minuto de aplausos.

Hasta el propio presidente de los Estados Unidos Joe Biden utilizó su cuenta de Twitter para enviar un mensaje de apoyo a la familia de Vicente Fernández “El mundo de la música perdió a un ícono” escribió el mandatario en redes sociales.

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