Canadiens Carey Price committed absolute robbery against the Maple Leafs with this desperation stick save

Absolutely the best save of the Stanley Cup playoffs so far.

With a goaltender like Carey Price in net, the Montreal Canadiens are never out of a play as long as he can make an attempt on a save. The Toronto Maple Leafs — and Jason Spezza — got a front row seat to Price stealing a goal away with his stick during Monday night’s Game 3 of their first round Stanley Cup playoff series.

At the halfway point of the first period, the Maple Leafs were able to exploit a Canadiens’ misplay in their zone, allowing Spezza to receive a pass wide open at the side of the net. Though Spezza had net to shoot at, Price was able to dive over Superman-style to stop the puck, as it deflected off his stick and up out of play.

And yes, it was absolutely as mind-blowing as it sounds.

Talk about the save of the playoffs so far! Here’s the money-shot angle from inside the net to showcase just how good this save was by Price as Spezza had nothing but daylight to shoot at.

That tinniest bit of hesitation from Spezza upon receiving the pass was a big reason why Price was able to gather himself enough to dive over to stop the shot. If it was a tap-in attempt, like it seemed to be as the play was happening live, Price would have had no shot.

And yet! Price made the desperation stop to keep the game scoreless for Montreal, no doubt one of the best saves we’ve seen this year.

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