JAY-Z may have finally ended the ‘$500,000 or dinner with JAY-Z’ debate and we should all be thankful

JAY-Z might’ve settled this, once and for all.

Internet debates are almost always insufferable. We’ve seen so many over the years.

What color is this dress? Is it saying Laurel or Yanny? Should avocado toast even exist? Pineapple on pizza? Y’all remember them all, I’m sure. Because, more than likely, you’ve engaged in one of these pointless conversations.

But one of the most insufferable debates online was whether you’d have dinner with billionaire hip-hop mogul JAY-Z or take $500,000 instead of the dinner.

And, of course, the correct answer is always taking $500,000. It’s $500,000 more than you currently have, regardless of how much money you have, and there’s no guarantee that JAY-Z will even like you, let alone give you good life advice.

Yet, there were still people who were choosing the dinner with Jay for whatever reason.

Now, though, the debate is settled. And JAY-Z, himself, may have been the one to settle it. Tidal, the music streaming company JAY-Z owns a portion of and is the face of, tweeted this on Wednesday night.

Man. That’s JAY-Z’s company telling everyone to take the $500,000. The debate is over. There never should’ve been any debate in the first place.

We’re not sure if Jay actually sent this tweet, but we think he did.

Twitter turned Will Smith into the 2020 version of the crying Jordan meme and it’s hilarious

How unfortunate.

The Will Smith memes have only existed for just under 24 hours now but we can already tell that this is going to last for a while.

Smith appearance on Jada Pinkett-Smith’s Red Table Talk showwhere the couple talked about their split and Jada Pinkett-Smith’s relationship — or “entanglement” — with August Alsina. They had an interesting conversation about it, certainly. And points were definitely made.

However, we are here to talk about absolutely none of that.

What we are here for to discuss, folks, is how the internet took a heartfelt conversation between Will Smith and his wife and turned him into the new crying Jordan meme of 2020.

During the conversation the two were having, Pinkett-Smith began to describe her relationship with Alsina as an “entanglement.” While she explained, Will Smith made this face.

And this one.

Now, to be clear, there was no beef between these two during this conversation. They were broken up. It was fine for Jada to be in a relationship with whoever she wanted.

But this is the internet. And in this digital world we live in, jokes are much, much better than facts. And so all the jokes poured in. Twitter went crazy.

But then, even outside of their conversation, the meme just took on a life of its own. Smith’s face became the internet’s face for 2020.

Throw this one in the Twitter history books, folks. We’ll be seeing it for years to come.