Golf instruction with Steve Scott: For better drives, you have to create more lag

For the longest club in the bag, you need to create lag.

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Having trouble with the driver? Can’t seem to square up the clubface with the big stick? Well, this week, we have a tip for you that will hopefully have you hitting more fairways.

Steve Scott, Golfweek‘s Director of Instruction, is back with Averee Dovsek with a tip for hitting your driver better and more consistently.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

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Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Keep your feet in motion for more power

Keep your feet moving and hit some bombs.

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Distance is king. Every amateur golfer wants more distance, and this week, we have a unique tip that many PGA Tour pros use before every drive.

Steve Scott, Golfweek‘s Director of Instruction, is joined by Averee Dovsek this week to demonstrate how keeping your feet in motion before you take the driver back can help unleash power.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

Click here to sign up for Golfweek‘s free weekly Get Better newsletter. You can also sign up for six other free newsletters, sent right to your inbox.

Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Perfecting the less-lofted chip shot

Put the 60-degree wedge down, and pick up something with less loft.

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If you’ve ever hit a chip shot fat (who are we kidding, of course you have), you might want to stick around for this one.

Steve Scott, Golfweek‘s Director of Instruction, is joined by Averee Dovsek this week to demonstrate how using a less-lofted club around the greens can help you get up and down more often.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

Click here to sign up for Golfweek‘s free weekly Get Better newsletter. You can also sign up for six other free newsletters, sent right to your inbox.

Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Controlling the clubface with the palm of your hand

If you’ve been stuck inside all winter, it’s time to get back out there and better your game.

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The snow is melting, the fairways are clear, and golf season is finally approaching for those in the northern climes. If you’ve been stuck inside all winter, it’s time to get back out there and better your game. Lucky for you, we’re here to help.

Steve Scott, Golfweek‘s Director of Instruction, is reporting from the beautiful Reunion Resort & Golf Club in Orlando, Florida, with a great tip to help you control the clubface.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

Click here to sign up for Golfweek‘s free weekly Get Better newsletter. You can also sign up for six other free newsletters, sent right to your inbox.

Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Practice makes perfect, especially on the greens

It’s time to dial in your game with a putting mat.

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Although winter is coming to a close, at least let’s hope so, making sure your game doesn’t fall into disrepair during the cold months is critical for a productive golf season.

Steve Scott, Golfweek‘s director of instruction, is back with his weekly tips to better your game. This week, Scott is focusing on dialing in your putting stroke with a putting mat.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

Click here to sign up for Golfweek‘s free weekly Get Better newsletter. You can also sign up for six other free newsletters, sent right to your inbox.

Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Big drives? It’s all in the hips

Looks like Chubbs Peterson was on to something.

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Looks like Chubbs Peterson was on to something.

While the Happy Gilmore character was just “easing the tension,” Golfweek‘s Director of Instruction Steve Scott insists there’s plenty to the notion that the hips are one of the biggest keys to booming drives.

This kicks off another series of great videos from Scott, these coming from the picturesque setting at Reunion Resort & Golf Club in Orlando, Florida.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

Click here to sign up for Golfweek‘s free weekly Get Better newsletter. You can also sign up for six other free newsletters, sent right to your inbox.

Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Play golf faster and enjoy the day

Does anyone else hate getting stuck behind a group reading putts like it’s the PGA Tour?

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Is there anything worse than getting stuck behind a group on the golf course that’s reading putts like they’re on the PGA Tour? Or waits for the fairway to clear when they have 350 yards to work with?

It’s the worst.

Well, this week, Golfweek‘s Director of Instruction Steve Scott is once again reporting from Sleepy Hollow Country Club, this time with several tips for playing faster and becoming a player other golfers want to be grouped with.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

Click here to sign up for Golfweek‘s free weekly Get Better newsletter. You can also sign up six other free newsletters, sent right to your inbox.

Your 2021 picks: Our top 10 golf instruction tips (No. 1 asks how high you’re teeing it up)

These are Steve’s top tips as voted on by you, the readers — through your clicks.

As we mentioned on Christmas Eve, we’ve been looking through the numbers and tallying up which stories drew your attention during the year.

We decided to share the findings with you, our loyal and wonderful readers, so we can reminisce together.

For the final 10 days of 2021, we’re offering up a snapshot of the top 10 stories from each of Golfweek’s most popular sections, including travel, the PGA and LPGA tours, instruction and amateur golf.

Today it’s instruction, which is led by Steve Scott, who has worn many hats, including professional at the Outpost Club, founder of the Silver Club Golfing Society and PGA Tour Live analyst.

It was a big year for Steve, who celebrated the 25th anniversary of one of golf’s historic moments recently passed when Tiger Woods attempted to claim an unprecedented third straight U.S. Amateur Championship conducted at Pumpkin Ridge GC.

His opponent was none other than our Steve, who, in a gracious move that follows golf etiquette, told Woods he had to move his mark back during a key putt. If Scott would have stayed silent, Tiger’s run would have certainly been derailed, but an act of sportsmanship still rings true a quarter-century later.

“Hey, Tiger – you need to move your mark back,” was released earlier this year (Skyhorse Publishing, $19.99), and is available at

Here are the top 10 instruction posts of the year, as clicked on by you, our readers:

Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Wedge shots done nice? Keep your hands ‘on ice.’

More body, and arm action will lead to better wedge play.

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Steve Scott, Golfweek‘s Director of Instruction, is back this week from the gorgeous Sleepy Hollow Country Club just outside New York City, this time with a tip to dial in your wedge play.

Many amateur golfers rely too much on timing, and flipping their hands at impact. This move leads to inconsistent strikes, which in turn, leads to inconsistent shots.

Steve Stricker, famous for his outstanding wedge play, minimizes hand action as much as possible when hitting a wedge shot, and Scott believes you should do the same.

“Make sure your hands are very, very still, and passive almost like they’re frozen, on ice. That way you get your arms and your body more involved, and you get your hand action really out of it.”

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including Gator-clamp putting, iron play, and flop shots.

Click here to sign up for Golfweek‘s free weekly Get Better newsletter. You can also sign up six other free newsletters, sent right to your inbox.

Golf instruction with Steve Scott: Use an arched wrist to putt for the win

Looking to drop putts like Webb Simpson, Bryson DeChambeau or Steve Stricker?

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Looking to drop putts like Webb Simpson, Bryson DeChambeau, or Steve Stricker?

Our Steve Scott says to try an arched putting grip, one that’s used by numerous pros to help on the greens.

Scott checks in from the gorgeous rolling hills of Sleepy Hollow Country Club, north of New York City along the Hudson River.

We’ve been celebrating with Steve of late, as the 25th anniversary of one of golf’s historic moments recently passed when Tiger Woods attempted to claim an unprecedented third straight U.S. Amateur Championship conducted at Pumpkin Ridge GC.

His opponent was none other than our Steve Scott, who, in a gracious move that follows golf etiquette, told Woods he had to move his mark back during a key putt. If Scott would have stayed silent, Tiger’s run would have certainly been derailed, but an act of sportsmanship still rings true a quarter-century later.

“Hey, Tiger – you need to move your mark back,” was released earlier this year (Skyhorse Publishing, $19.99), and is available at

Aside from leading our lessons, Scott is also the PGA head golf professional at the Outpost Club, founder of the Silver Club Golfing Society and a PGA Tour Live analyst.

Click here to watch previous episodes of “Golf Instruction with Steve Scott” including iron play and flop shots.