Antonio Brown shares bizarre, profane music video about Saints workout

The New Orleans Saints’ Antonio Brown workout has led to another social media stunt for he free agent wide receiver, and now a music video.

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Some things are inevitable. The sun rises and sets. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. Somewhere, Antonio Brown diligently hammers another nail into the coffin of his dying NFL career.

The free agent wide receiver produced a very strange song and music video surrounding his workout with the New Orleans Saints a few weeks ago, which was his last public contact with an NFL team since the New England Patriots cut him earlier in the 2019 season. Before that, he successfully got himself released from his Oakland Raiders contract and traded away from the team that drafted and developed him, the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Saints coach Sean Payton probably didn’t anticipate being featured in lyrics in Brown’s “Home From The N.O.” feature, but that’s what connecting his team to the mercurial wideout brought upon him. Brown reportedly brought a video crew with him to his Saints tryout (among other hangers-on), and now we’ve seen the results. His music video features several shots of Brown interacting with Saints players, coaches, and team personnel during his visit, as well as interior shots of the team facility. Payton probably didn’t anticipate that, either.

Interestingly, the intro to Brown’s video features a phone call with who appears to be his agent, Drew Rosenhaus. The speaker on the other end of the call can be heard explaining the Saints’ interest in Brown while emphasizing how important it would be for Brown to sign with a Super Bowl-contending team, and that New Orleans is most curious to see what headspace Brown is in after getting himself run out of several towns in the last year.

After this latest stunt, it’s safe to assume he won’t be visiting New Orleans again. We’ve embedded the video below, but be warned that it includes extensive, explicit language.

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