ONE Championship’s Hiroaki Suzuki shows abs of steel in gut-punishing workout

ONE Championship striker Hiroaki Suzuki’s Instagram post shows that he is preparing his abs for war in his next ONE Super Series outing.

Professional fighters are among the toughest athletes around, but a powerful, well-placed shot to the midsection can give even the most seasoned prizefighters a moment’s pause.

That’s why the world’s best fighters put themselves through punishing gym sessions to firm up their abdomens and, in some cases, even invite their training partners to train their abs for the punishment of fight night by unloading a barrage of strikes to their torso.

One such athlete is ONE Championship striking ace [autotag]Hiroaki Suzuki[/autotag], who is looking to get himself back into title contention after his first title shot ended in defeat.

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Suzuki lost out to Thai legend Nong-O Gaiyanghadao for the ONE bantamweight muay Thai title in May last year in a fight that saw him on the receiving end of more than 50 thumping body kicks from one of the best muay Thai strikers on the planet.

But, despite taking a barrage of kicks to the midsection, Suzuki took the champion all the way to the scorecards in a remarkable display of durability.

Now the Japanese striker will be hoping to bounce back and make a run at either of the bantamweight belts in ONE’s all-striking league, ONE Super Series, which features bouts under muay Thai and kickboxing rulesets.

ONE Championship is set to return to action Friday in Bangkok as the promotion looks to get back up and running again following the COVID-19 shutdown, and Suzuki has been in the gym preparing ahead of his next fight booking. Based on the footage below, it seems he’s getting ready for another punishing war.

We saw two-division ONE champion Aung La N Sang’s “Body Shot Challenge” a few months ago, and it seems “Kaibutsukun” is happy to give “The Burmese Python” a run for his money in the toughness stakes.

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昨日は 朝レッスン→昼プロ練→事務→キッズクラス→夜レッスン→夜プロ練 格闘技未経験の方から日本王者&世界で勝負するプロ格闘家が仲良く共存共栄する格闘技スポーツジムです^ ^ ※大樹も体重66キロと、自分の試合階級くらいまで体重が増えて攻撃力も増してます🔥 そして上下共に格闘家ならお馴染みのMobstyles✌️ かれこれ11年間、週6.7は着ているMobstyles。 会員さんも購入して下さって、着心地もデザインも良いと評判です^ ^ そんなMobstyles、気になる方はコチラをチェキ↓ @mobstyles_official ↓WEB↓ 今週も皆さまお疲れ様でした^ ^ #onechampionship #onechampjp #shootboxing #bellwoodfightteam #bellwoodgym #bw_kickboxing #bodyshotchallenge #日常生活 #mobstyles

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