Donald Trump may be beating Democratic …

Donald Trump may be beating Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in fundraising towards November’s election overall in the United States… but that is not so in the NBA. Per our research from the Federal Election Commission‘s data, Trump is once again struggling with the NBA constituency, as was the case back in 2016 when donors from the league sided their financial contributions heavily to Hillary Clinton, who raised over $1.4 million from NBA donors.

So far towards this election, Trump …

So far towards this election, Trump only has four NBA donors, all members of ownership groups. The highest of those donations is $5,600 from Orlando Magic chairman Dan DeVos, a name that might sound familiar as Betsy Devos, Dan’s sister-in-law, is Trump’s Secretary of Education. Other NBA donations for Trump thus far are $2,800 Indiana Pacers vice-chairman James Morris, $200 from Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta and $318.75 from Los Angeles Lakers part-owner James Buss. In total, Trump has raised $8,918.75 from NBA donors.

Hillary Clinton reacted to the horrible …

Hillary Clinton reacted to the horrible news of Kobe Bryant’s death the same way as everyone else — she was stunned, momentarily speechless … then heartbroken. The former Secretary of State was at Sundance in Park City, UT Sunday following the premiere of her new docuseries, “Hillary” … and we broke the tragic news to her. Hillary came back around later and touched on the passing of the NBA legend, saying she couldn’t believe it until she checked her phone … and felt anguished that it was real. She called Kobe’s death an “incredible loss … in every way,” echoing the sentiments of millions still reeling from the sad news.

LeBron James chats with Bill Clinton after beating Brooklyn Nets

The Los Angeles Lakers star stopped to chat with the former President of the United States on Thursday night in Brooklyn.

Even after a seemingly normal night for LeBron James and his Los Angeles Lakers teammates on Thursday as they defeated the Brooklyn Nets 128-113, a moment after the game reminded everyone again that normal nights for LeBron are not like normal nights for the rest of NBA players.

After the final buzzer sounded at Barclay’s Center, LeBron James made his way to the courtside seats to find former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, who was in the arena. LeBron and the former president chatted for about 30 seconds before LeBron went on to do his regular postgame responsibilities. The interaction, which we can’t really hear, is below.

LeBron is not a stranger to meeting with presidents, something he did a few times as an NBA Champion when Barack Obama was the president. James, however, has famously been on the record as not being a fan of the current president, Donald Trump.

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