WATCH: Heartwarming video shows running duo connected by rope and friendship

Using a short rope and their trust in each other, Rebel guides Paul Scott, a visually-impaired high school runner through cross-country races.

This content comes from our friends at Sportskind.

Rebel Hays may be the tiniest one on the course, but he has the most important job.

Using a short rope and their trust in each other, Rebel guides Paul Scott, a visually-impaired high school runner through cross-country races.

Watch 11-year-old Rebel lead 15-year-old Paul to the finish line in the video player above.

“We’d never had anyone who is younger than the runners. So my first reaction was, ‘This kid’s tiny!’” says Paul’s mom, Velleta Scott. “But then I saw him run. I was like, ‘Whoa, he’s amazing!’”

Rebel says he just loves to run and be able to help Paul. Paul says Rebel encourages him to run even faster.

The duo started off just running two-mile runs and have now graduated to 5Ks.

Coca-Cola’s heartwarming Christmas commercial, directed by Taika Waititi, will make you cry

We swore we couldn’t cry at a Coke ad, yet here we are.

I swore I wouldn’t get worked up watching this Coca-Cola commercial, as it violates my self-imposed rules A) not to get emotional watching a commercial and B) not get sucked into Christmas stuff before we’ve even hit Thanksgiving.

Yet here I am, blubbering like a big dumb Christmas baby.

The ad is directed by Oscar-winner Taika Waititi, so at least I can take comfort in the fact that I’ve been emotionally sucker-punched by a master auteur. See, it’s his filmmaking prowess that has me sniffling away my Christmas tears. It’s not the holiday spirit. I’m a Grinch, you hear me? I am a Grinch!

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In Spain, a fitness instructor holds roof workout to beat coronavirus lockdown

In Sevilla, a fitness instructor climbed onto a roof to lead a workout for people who were locked down for coronavirus.

In “socially responsible ways to stay in shape during a pandemic” news this week, a fitness instructor held “class” by going up on a roof and leading a workout, while people participated from their balconies.

Much of Spain is currently on lockdown. To stop the spread of COVID-19, a strain of coronavirus, 47 million Spaniards were told to remain at home.

Fitness group Sano Sevilla Los Bermejale shared the following video to their Instagram page. In the video, a personal trainer named Gonzalo climbs up on a rooftop and leads neighbors in a fitness routine. People got involved, stayed fit, and didn’t come close enough to anyone to spread the disease.

This is fantastic.

May we all find ways to stay healthy and safe moving forward.

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