What are the best (Nashville) and worst (O’Hare) airports in the United States? A FTW debate

The For The Win staff debates the best and worst airports in the US in this heated roundtable.

A lot of things can make or break your experience at an airport. Long lines, fussy security, mediocre food options, or even airport location all color our experiences when flying across the country.

For that reason alone, many like to keep their time in airports as short as possible because often, the experience sucks! And yet, there are some airports that prove to be the exception to the rule. Whether they’re a breeze to navigate, never have long lines, or have a quality of life feature that are essential to your travel, we all have at least one airport we are ride or die for.

MORE: How early should you arrive at an airport? A FTW debate.

Inspired yet again by a recent tweet, I once again asked my fellow coworkers here at For The Win to debate the best and worst airports across the United States. Let’s get into it!

How early should you arrive at an airport? A FTW debate

The For The Win staff engages in a heated roundtable debate about airport arrival times!

Airports can be stressful places. Between getting through TSA, having to deal with delays, and the general stress of time limits, airports can be quite anxiety-inducing if you don’t have a foolproof plan of attack.

Of course, something that can reduce your stress levels at the airport is arriving early enough so that you have plenty of time to get through security and get to your gate without much urgency. That being said, “early” is relative and everyone’s definitions of the word will differ depending on their comfort levels.

Inspired by a recent tweet, I polled a good portion of the For The Win staff to determine how early you should arrive at an airport, among other flight etiquette questions. Let’s dive into the results!

FTW’s scientific ranking of top chicken tendie dipping sauces

Sweet or salty? Spicy or cooling? And how many toddlers do I work with if ketchup is ranked this highly???

Look, it’s July and we are, at least at face value, a sports-based journalism outlet. The two major sports currently on the schedule just came off their All-Star breaks. There isn’t a lot going on aside from covering NBA rookies at the recently concluded summer league and trying to figure out what football season is going to look like.

As such, cabin fever has set in. The kind that has you building enemies lists over food takes shared in the group chat. The kind that inspires a triple-digit-celled spreadsheet in order to figure out the perfect dipping sauce.

Thus, on July 19, 2023, the For The Win staff decided it was time to end the sauce debate once and for all. Born to a discussion about cupcake icing and nursed to full health by entirely too many ALL CAPS replies and veiled threats (almost all by me. You got a problem with Zaxby’s then you’ve got a problem with me, friend), we took to the ballots and determine what, exactly, is the ideal companion to a perfectly fried chicken tender.

This is what we came up with.