Golf instruction: This is why you’re not hitting greens in regulation

TrackMan is one way to gather the carry distances of all your clubs.

Going to the driving range and hitting iron shots at various targets is one way to practice distance control, but it is not the best way.

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Taking advantage of technology to find the average of your carry distances rather than total yardage for each club will help you reach and hold greens more effectively.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek and Kent St. Charles from Lab 18 demonstrate how TrackMan is one way to gather the carry distances of all your clubs.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Dial in your backswing position with these 3 things

The top of the swing is a key component to having a successful downswing and impact position.

Everyone has a different way of getting to the top of the backswing, but here are three things to think about to dial in the position at the top.

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The top of the swing is a key component to having a successful downswing and impact position. Some simple adjustments here can go a long way.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek and Kent St. Charles from Lab 18 demonstrate how to master that crucial position at the top of the backswing.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Stop giving up power with your driver

Let’s get your swing a little bit longer.

Using power efficiently in the golf swing is something that most amateur golfers have not mastered. Oftentimes, when golfers try to swing harder they get out of sorts and lose their timing and delivery of the club.

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This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to harness more power when hitting your driver.

Having length and extension in your backswing can lead to a better position at the top of the swing and this can help with a better impact position.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf Instruction: Stopping the dreaded duck hook for good

Watch this week’s tip here.

Every golfer has seen, and probably knows, the dreaded duck hook. You’re hitting it great all day and then the case of the hooks rolls in.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”PHNjcmlwdCBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxheWVyLnBvcHRvay5jb20vYW55Y2xpcC13aWRnZXQvbHJlLXdpZGdldC9wcm9kL3YxL3NyYy9scmUuanMiIGRhdGEtYXI9IjE2OjkiIGRhdGEtcGxpZD0ibmYzdGVzbHdncnh1ZXRjaWd2cHdzNHNtb3ZmeHN1MnMiIHB1Ym5hbWU9IjE5OTgiIHdpZGdldG5hbWU9IjAwMTZNMDAwMDJVMEIxa1FBRl9NODMyNyI+Cjwvc2NyaXB0Pg==”][/anyclip-media]

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how lowering and raising your hands can help control the direction of the golf ball.

Being in control of your driver doesn’t have to be just for the professionals. This tip will stop you from wanting to snap your driver shaft in half and will hopefully make it your new favorite club in the bag.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: How to easily change the flight of your golf ball

Being in control of your golf shot doesn’t have to be just for the professionals.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”PHNjcmlwdCBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxheWVyLnBvcHRvay5jb20vYW55Y2xpcC13aWRnZXQvbHJlLXdpZGdldC9wcm9kL3YxL3NyYy9scmUuanMiIGRhdGEtYXI9IjE2OjkiIGRhdGEtcGxpZD0iZ3J2dms1M29qZnh1ZW50YmhhenRlcnNoamJyZWVvYngiIHB1Ym5hbWU9IjE5OTgiIHdpZGdldG5hbWU9IjAwMTZNMDAwMDJVMEIxa1FBRl9NODMyNyI+Cjwvc2NyaXB0Pg==”][/anyclip-media]

It’s crucial to know how to flight your golf ball if you are trying to get under a tree. Or maybe you want the ball to roll out more or perhaps stop when it lands on the green.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to get the trajectory of your shot lower or higher.

Being in control of your golf shot doesn’t have to be just for the professionals. A few simple tips and you are well on your way to the trajectory of your dreams.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

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Golf instruction: Try this putting drill to master speed and break

Watch this week’s tip here.

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It’s common to not know how to practice putting intentionally before a round. We found a drill that will have you confident on the greens before playing every single time.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates the 3-6-9 putting drill to master the speed and break of a hole.

This is a great warm-up drill to do before you go play to get the speed of the greens down or when you are just trying to get some practice in.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Simplify your backswing with these 3 steps

Watch this week’s video here.

Mastering the backswing can feel confusing, but breaking it down into three simple steps can make it easier to digest.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”PHNjcmlwdCBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxheWVyLnBvcHRvay5jb20vYW55Y2xpcC13aWRnZXQvbHJlLXdpZGdldC9wcm9kL3YxL3NyYy9scmUuanMiIGRhdGEtYXI9IjE2OjkiIGRhdGEtcGxpZD0ibjVnd2txc3ZsZnh1ZXFqem9qaWZvemt3azVqZ2N6M2siIHB1Ym5hbWU9IjE5OTgiIHdpZGdldG5hbWU9IjAwMTZNMDAwMDJVMEIxa1FBRl9NODMyNyI+Cjwvc2NyaXB0Pg==”][/anyclip-media]

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to take the club back to three different positions to create a backswing that is repeatable and comfortable.

These steps are easy to practice alone and pausing at each spot will help with muscle memory. This will result in a more consistent backswing and accurate delivery to the ball in the downswing.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: Foolproof way to never blade your chips again

This is a foolproof method that takes minimal thinking.

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It’s a great feeling when you miss the green but have an easy and hopeful chip to save par.

Unfortunately, every golfer has accidentally bladed their chip and sent it running across the green in this situation. Chipping can feel unpredictable and frustrating.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to chip without breaking your wrist. This is a foolproof method that takes minimal thinking.

This will result in a more consistent, basic result around the green.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

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Golf instruction: How slowing down your tempo can fix unexpected pull or cut shots

Watch this week’s tip here.

It’s never a good feeling when your shots are unpredictable and all over the place. You feel like your swing mechanics are there but have no idea what direction your ball will go or what’s causing these misses.

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This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how slowing down your tempo can fix those unexpected pull and cut shots.

Slowing down the backswing can help the timing of your upper and lower body sync up to produce better shots with every club.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.

Golf instruction: What to do when you can’t decide whether to putt or chip

Check out this week’s tip here.

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We have all faced the decision of whether to putt or chip.

Your ball may have been near the green with a notable amount of distance to the actual hole, or perhaps the lie looked suspect or there wasn’t too much grass around the ball.

This week, Golfweek’s fitness guru and long driver Averee Dovsek demonstrates how to settle the debate on when to putt or chip when you can’t decide.

A bad putt is always better than a bad chip.

When in doubt, putt it out.

If you’re interested in any of Averee’s fitness content, click here.

If you’re looking for more instruction, click here.