Say hello to the cubs competing in Fat Bear Junior 2023

Meet the cubs!

You’ve been waiting for it all year, and now it finally arrives. That’s right, Fat Bear Week is upon us once again. Or at least the Fat Bear Junior competition is.

With a government shutdown threatening to cancel Fat Bear Week 2023, the Fat Bear Junior competition may be our only chance to celebrate giant, fuzzy animals. So, why not revel in the fun? For those who aren’t in the know, the Fat Bear Junior competition gives wildlife enthusiasts a chance to vote on which bear cubs have bulked up the most for winter. Fat Bear Week is a similar competition but for adult bears.

Fat Bear Junior’s final round of voting ends today. Current polls show 806 Spring Cub in the lead with over 17,000 votes compared to competitor 910 Yearling’s roughly 10,000 votes. While you wait for the official winner to be announced, get to know this year’s competitors!