Ranking the 6 most exciting games (a new DOOM!) from the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 reveal

Here are the most exciting new Xbox games coming soon.

With the summer in full swing, Sunday was an opportunity for Microsoft to show off what it’s got in store for Windows, the Xbox Series X, and the Xbox Series S. That’s right, we’re talking about the Xbox Games Showcase 2024.

Boy, did it not disappoint. That’s putting it lightly.

From reconstructions of classic franchises to inventive sequels that promise to reinvent the wheel to a certain degree, there looks to be a lot of fun stuff coming up in the Xbox family. Let’s rank the most exciting video games revealed during the 2024 Xbox Showcase.

All footage and screenshots courtesy of Microsoft/Xbox.

6. Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater

A remake of the PlayStation 2 classic, Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater thrusts you back into the shoes of Naked Snake, a.k.a. “Big Boss.” The word “Delta” is in reference to Konami wanting to remake gameplay and story elements but not otherwise changing key structure.

Here is the latest trailer:

Expect to dive back into some good old Cold War stealthy chaos sometime later in 2024.

5. State of Decay 3

In a zombie genre that can be stale and stagnant, the State of Decay franchise has been a welcome breath of fresh air. The latest entry (release date to be announced) promises to once again challenge players’ leadership abilities as they manage the throes of a zombie apocalypse.

And let me tell you, the trailer already promises an incredibly intense affair:

I am shuddering (with fear and anticipation) just watching that.

4. Perfect Dark 

It’s been over a decade since we got to kick some major you-know-what with Joanna Dark. Judging by the latest gameplay reveal of the series’ reboot — set in a future torn apart by climate change — it was well worth the wait.

Seriously, this footage makes this Perfect Dark look like a proper next-game:

While a release date is still unclear, I, for one, cannot wait for this wonderful first-person adventure led by Ms. Dark.

3. Gears of War: E-Day

It wouldn’t be a genuine Xbox console without an entry to the classic Gears of War series. After a half-decade absence, Gears of War: E-Day will serve as an origin story for Marcus Fenix and Co. That’s right, we’re going back to the first day the Locust horde emerged onto the surface of Sera and waged war on the humans.

Oh, baby:

Folks, at the risk of stating the obvious (Gary Jules voice): It’s a very, very mad world (mad world, mad world). Whenever this comes out, we’ll be ready.

2. Fable 

At this point, the Fable franchise is just about two decades old. And it has gone through no shortage of face-lifts, reboots, reimaginations, and, unfortunately, declines.

The role-playing video game space is crowded and innovative these days. The trailer makes it apparent that this Fable reboot is prepared to step its game up in a comprehensive way come 2025:

One thing certainly hasn’t changed — an impeccable sense of humor from this franchise.

1. DOOM: The Dark Ages

With all due respect to the other games on this list, there is nothing quite like the feel of a polished DOOM game. id Software’s rebooted trilogy that resurfaced in 2016 and 2020 is proof in this pudding. The latest DOOM takes the Doom Slayer and transports it to a Medieval realm with the appropriate elements.

Imagine this hyper-violent series with swords, crazy traps, and aptly new malevolent monsters. No, really, visualize it because it’s happening:

I’m sorry, but was the Doom Slayer … FLYING A DRAGON??? The year 2025 cannot nearly come soon enough. Holy cow.

Xbox head wants to reveal Fable, but not until the developer is ready

Playground Games is still knee-deep in the development of an all-new Fable.

Two years have passed since Fable‘s next-generation teaser, and we’ve not seen anything since then. Xbox Game Studios Matt Booty insists that developer Playground Games is making something special.

During a panel at PAX West 2022, Booty briefly touched on why there hasn’t been any information on the next Fable.

“Part of my job is giving air cover to the team,” Booty said via IGN. “They don’t want to show stuff early before it’s ready to go, but if there’s one game where that’s kind of flipped around, where every time I see something I say, ‘We should show this,’ it’s Fable – because there’s a lot of cool stuff. [Playground Games] has made it very clear that I am not going to be able to show anything until it’s ready.” 

A pretty reasonable explanation, indeed. There have been several overly-hyped titles that ended up being underwhelming, so not setting expectations too high is probably the right call.

This new Fable is in development at Playground Games, the studio best-known for Forza Horizon, which doesn’t have much experience with wide-open RPGs. Booty reassured fans that Playground Games has (internally) proven that it’s up to the task.

There hasn’t been a mainline entry in this series since Fable 3, which came out for the Xbox 360 back in 2010. Lionhead Studios, the franchise’s original shepherds, closed in April 2016.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

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14 games with TBD release dates we want to see more of in 2022

Some of these might launch in 2022, some might come later, but we’d still love to see an update from all of them before the year is out.

That went quickly, didn’t it? 2021 might have been a disaster, but most years are when you’re an intelligent biped who is cursed with the knowledge that we’re all just meat walnuts on stalks, powered by electric signals. 

At least it was over fast, eh – mercifully so. Who knew that playing video games and barely going outside for over a year would make time go by so quickly?

Since we’re now all conditioned to love our home prisons, let’s take a look forward to 2022 and smack our lips together at the prospect of more brilliant video games. Ah, that’s the stuff, push that existential crisis to the side. Ahhh. 

[mm-video type=video id=01fqm3y80p6r6f3k0fdn playlist_id=none player_id=none image=https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/video/thumbnail/mmplus/01fqm3y80p6r6f3k0fdn/01fqm3y80p6r6f3k0fdn-d09c29b5baf868698bd9b705271950fb.jpg]

Some of these might launch in 2022, some might come later, but we’d still love to see an update from all of them before the year is out – a shiny new trailer would even do the trick. Details are pretty thin on the ground for most of these, but there’s just enough information out there to begin the hype cycle and forget the whole meat walnuts thing (we will never forget the meat walnuts thing). 

With that in mind, here are some of the most exciting games coming in the next year or two.

‘Fable’ and ‘Forza’ teams share “important creative philosophies” at Playground Games

Forza Horizon 5’s creative director Mike Brown offers an exclusive comment about the upcoming Xbox role-playing game

We had a chance to speak to Mike Brown, Forza Horizon 5’s creative director at Playground Games, and asked a few questions about the upcoming Fable game in development at the same studio. The British developer has built a second team to keep working on both the arcade racing franchise, with a new game releasing next week, and a revival of the beloved Xbox RPG property. As Brown shared in our interview, the two teams have something in common, when it comes to defining a modus operandi on their projects, and possibly even more.