The 6 best excuses to give your boss for missing work to watch March Madness instead

Let’s tell some lies today.

Every March I become a bit more grateful for my job here at For The Win for one specific reason.

It’s not because of my coworkers, though they are awesome. It’s not because I just get to write about sports either, though that is also definitely awesome. The reason is actually pretty ridiculous.

It’s because I no longer have to lie about sneaking off to watch March Madness. As a matter of fact, they encourage it. It’s awesome. I can watch the Men’s and Women’s NCAA Tournaments free of guilt.

Listen. Lying, for me, is wild stressful. Especially when it’s to my boss. Like, if I get found out here I’m probably fired. And if I’m fired, that means no paycheck. And without that paycheck, how am I going to buy my next pair of kicks?

I digress. My point is I don’t have to live that that no more. But y’all? A lot of y’all do. And I feel sorry for you. Truly. I hope that one day it doesn’t come to this for you.

But since it is today and you’re over there stressing about it, yerboi is going to help you out.

Here are the 6 best excuses you can use to get away from that desk and in front of your TV for this here basketball. You’re welcome.