Eli Manning talks Super Bowl, Spags, Mahomes/Purdy, and his rap battle with Tom Brady

In a recent one-on-one with Touchdown Wire’s Doug Farrar, Eli Manning discussed Steve Spagnuolo, Mahomes and Purdy, and his rap battle with Tom Brady.

This week, I spoke with former New York Giants quarterback and two-time Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning about several subjects related to Super Bowl LVIII… and not. Here’s what we discussed, courtesy of Verizon, the official 5G network of the NFL.

  • How current Kansas City Chiefs defensive coordinator (and former Giants defensive coordinator) Steve Spagnuolo set Tom Brady and the New England Patriots up for a shocking offensive failure in Super Bowl LVIII.
  • Eli’s thoughts on how Patrick Mahomes has improved as a quarterback this season.
  • Why the idea that Brock Purdy is a “game manager” is actually a good thing; and…
  • …his rap battle with the aforementioned Mr. Brady.

You can watch our interview right here:

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