Remembering Ed Farmer’s Love for Notre Dame

I was fortunate to hit it off with Ed Farmer years ago because of an interest we shared together: Notre Dame football. My Farmio stories…

If I were to ask you the three or four people you know who are either the biggest Notre Dame fans or love Notre Dame the most chances are you would be able to fill up that list quickly.  Family members, friends from childhood or perhaps college, neighbors you met later on in life or perhaps a co-worker of yours fill your list I’m sure.

One person easily on my list is Ed Farmer, the former Major League pitcher and radio voice of the Chicago White Sox. Ed passed away Wednesday after long battle with various health issues.  When I was first starting my radio career at 670 The Score in Chicago I began as a part-time producer responsible for either board-operating or cutting highlights for our White Sox broadcasts.  I was (and still am) a nobody, but Ed Farmer never treated me that way in the years I worked with him.

He’ll be remembered for being a great guy (I echo that sentiment), a hometown, St. Rita kid who made it to the big leagues and was once an All-Star for his favorite team, the Chicago White Sox. He’d then join the Sox as a broadcaster all while being an incredible advocate for organ donation.

When I think of Ed Farmer though I’ll always think of Notre Dame football.

I know it’s a weird thing to say or associate with a baseball player but understand this – Ed Farmer LOVED Notre Dame.  He wasn’t a passive “oh I liked them as a kid and sometimes watch them here or there” type of fan, he was a passionate Notre Dame fan.

My first job in radio was as a part-time producer at 670 The Score, then the radio home of the Chicago White Sox.  I’d spend endless hours running the board or usually cutting highlights for White Sox games and would talk to Ed “down the line” from back in the studio.

The first time I actually met Ed in person was during Sox Fest in what had to be 2008 or 2009.  Dayne Crist was fairly new on the scene and although Jimmy Clausen had already played a year or two, Ed was excited to talk up Crist to me.

I literally began the conversation after the introductions by asking him “Ed, how are the Irish going to be this year?” because he’d bring up Notre Dame in various ways during broadcasts.

“Shemp,” he said (he always called me Shemp despite everyone else calling me Shep) “This Dayne Crist.  He’s going to make you forget about Jimmy Clausen real fast.  Kid’s the real deal, Shemp.”

Now I didn’t say he was right about everything always but Farmio always had thoughts on the Fighting Irish.  Every time I’d see him he’d share thoughts on new recruits, underachieving defenses and coaching decisions he didn’t agree with.

One year attending a Notre Dame/Michigan game for fun with a friend we saw Ed Farmer walking with the band to the stadium, shaking hands and giving high fives along the way – then a few hours later we get in the car to head home and there was Farmio coming through our speakers, announcing the White Sox game.

What was Ed doing literally marching with the band?  And I guess he didn’t get to stay for the game but wanted to be there for the parts of game-day that he could be.

Fast forward a few more years and I’m at a White Sox game with a few work buddies on a spring Saturday night.  The Red Sox were in town and we were all in our twenties looking to do what most 20-somethings are looking to do.  First though we decided to stop up and go see Ed before first pitch, something we were fortunate to be able to do pretty regularly.

Know this – Ed Farmer didn’t care if it was a radio producer who made 60 bucks a day or the Pope, I only ever saw the man treat everyone the exact same way – great.  I could share stories for hours but will hold it to this final one.

“Shemp” he says to me as we get done catching up and are about to head our seats, “Come back here in the top of the sixth inning, I have someone you need to meet”

Alright Ed, you tell me to jump and I’ll ask how high.  I’ll see you and whoever this is in the sixth inning…

And that’s how Ed Farmer introduced me to Brian Kelly (not pictured is the painting Ed kept in the booth of the Golden Dome).  He was a man that was always more than happy to look out for others.

Rest easy, Farmio, you’ll be missed by many and Sox games on the radio won’t be the same.

And Go Irish.