Dwane Casey optimistic about resuming season

Casey tried to be as productive as possible under the circumstances. He’s proceeding as if the NBA season will resume at some point and his team will play its remaining 16 games. “I’m optimistic,” he said. “We have to stay in the mental frame of mind that we will come back. It’s easy to turn it off but it’s hard to turn it back on. We can’t go into vacation mode. We’ll continue to work as if we’re coming back.”

The only player or member of the …

The only player or member of the travelling party who tested positive for COVID-19 was Christian Wood, who has “fully recovered,” according to his agent. “He’s fine, he’s feeling good,” Casey said. “I spoke to him numerous times during this whole ordeal. He was in good spirits. We talked about basketball and how he was doing.” One thing that upset Wood was that his name surfaced publicly as having contracted the virus. Some players who tested positive revealed their prognosis on social media but it’s otherwise confidential information. “He was concerned how his info was leaked out,” Casey said.

All members of the Pistons travelling …