A Messi divorce: Barcelona’s financial debacle shows how fragile franchises can be

Ralphie Aversa and Mackenzie Salmon breakdown how Lionel Messi left Barcelona for PSG and why it’s really a sad story and a cautionary tale for sports franchises everywhere.

Ralphie Aversa and Mackenzie Salmon breakdown how Lionel Messi left Barcelona for PSG and why it’s really a sad story and a cautionary tale for sports franchises everywhere.

Jay Cutler and Kristin Cavallari to divorce, and we will miss a truly relatable couple

The couple announced their split on Instagram after a long trip to the Bahamas was extended due to coronavirus.

Former Broncos, Bears and Dolphins QB Jay Cutler and reality TV personality Kristin Cavallari announced they were divorcing in an Instagram post over the weekend. The announcement came just a short time after the two posted repeatedly about being stuck in the Bahamas due to coronavirus quarantine measures.

The two were married in 2013, and have three young children.

In the Instagram post, Cavallari wrote that “This is just the situation of two people growing apart. We ask everyone to respect our privacy as we navigate this difficult time within our family.”

A lot of us got to know Cutler and Cavallari through her reality TV show, Very Cavalleri, which let us get a glimpse into their relationship and see just how human the two of them were.

We all know a Jay Cutler, the acerbic grouch who still is an involved husband, and we all know a Kristin Cavallari, the earnest go-getter. We know couples like that. Perhaps we’ve been in relationships like that. It felt like they worked, for whatever strange reason, and it’s sad and strange to hear that they’re splitting up.

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