Kayak angler reacts to fast approaching tiger shark

Devin Kanda was fortunate to have seen the tiger shark closing in as he sat with his feet dangling from his kayak.

Devin Kanda was fortunate to have seen the tiger shark closing in as he sat with his feet dangling from his kayak.

As Hawaii News Now states in the video report posted below, Kanda had just caught an 18-pound ono off Diamond Head when he spotted the approaching shark, enabling a quick response.

“I caught it in my peripheral [vision] … and I looked up,” he said. “And just in time I pulled my leg before it could take a bite of my foot.”

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Kanda’s video camera was operating during the July 4 encounter; his footage was picked up by Hawaii-based media outlets over the weekend.

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The shark appears to have been attracted by the scent of fish, and Kanda just happened to be facing in the right direction. He said he was more in awe of the large shark than afraid, but thankful that he wasn’t attacked.

–Image courtesy of Devin Kanda