Sirius XM NBA: Long time coach Del …

Sirius XM NBA: Long time coach Del Harris will be inducted to @Hoophall later this year. He tells @Rick Kamla he’s grateful to be included with the other great names in his class.

Marc Stein: Longtime NBA coach Del …

Marc Stein: Longtime NBA coach Del Harris has been chosen alongside George Karl for induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame. The 13-member @Hoophall class for 2022 includes former NBA stars Manu Ginobili, Tim Hardaway and Lou Hudson, coaches George Karl, Del Harris and Larry Costello, longtime referee Hugh Evans and WNBA stars Swin Cash and Lindsay Whalen.

What have you learned about …

What have you learned about organizational structure in the past two decades? Mark Cuban: There’s business organizational structure and there’s players. It’s a player-driven league. You have to adapt to the players. What does that adaptation look like? Mark Cuban: Nico and J-Kidd. They get to come in with a fresh start. The players are just different. When I first came here, there was a playbook. Del Harris would hand you a playbook. There are no kids today reading anything. I don’t care what it is. But if you put it in a video? We are talking about putting plays in an app where you just scroll like a TikTok video. It’s no different than my 12-year-old, my 15-year-old and my 18-year-old. If I want to know what news is happening, I ask what happened on TikTok because that’s how you get them. Why are the kids coming into the NBA any different than our kids? It’s the exact same thing.

Apart from losing in the NBA finals …

Apart from losing in the NBA finals against the Boston Celtics back in 2008, not playing in his first two, three years was the least favorite part in his illustrious career. Even though the Lakers at that time had solid players on the guard positions, Kobe believes he should have played more minutes. He said the main reason why that didn’t happen was because of the Dell Harris, who was the head coach for the Lakers during those years. “There were a couple of them. Losing to the Celtics in 08 was tough. Before that, at the beginning of the journey, it was not playing. Coming in as a rookie knowing s— is going to be like this, I would go back to school because I felt like my coach Del Harris at the time was trying to make sure he is not favoring the young kids and as a result, he swan in the other direction doing things that weren’t really fair. My first 2,3 years were a nightmare for me.”

During that period, he was actively …

During that period, he was actively questioning his decision to come to the NBA and not going to college, thinking he would at least play more minutes in NCAA. “I saw my peers playing 30-35 minutes per game doing their thing, and I am sitting here glued to the bench. I was getting really pissed off and ticketed off, thinking I should have just go to college. That was the hardest part.”

It wasn’t your first year in Milwaukee …

It wasn’t your first year in Milwaukee and it wasn’t Del Harris’ first year as coach, so what made you two decide it was time for you to start shooting threes in 1988? Jack Sikma: It really had to do with my skill set and the roster makeup. I think there were some matchups from some of the other positional players where we felt they had advantages in the post and they were good post players. I’m talking about Terry Cummings. A lot of times we’d put him in the post to get his matchup. Ricky Pierce, Paul Pressey. By then, Sidney (Moncrief) was gone, but we had a number of guys that from a matchup standpoint, Del felt we could use that in the post.