Behaviour Interactive and Supermassive finally unveiled their single-player Dead by Daylight game after teasing it earlier in the year. The survival horror game is called The Casting of Frank Stone, and takes place in the Dead by Daylight universe. Rather than players trying to escape or capture each other in usual asynchronous multiplayer fashion, they’ll struggle to stay alive in a terrifying world haunted by DbD staples including the Trapper.
What that actual gameplay is like remains a mystery. Supermassive didn’t actually show gameplay, but the cinematics were suitably creepy and unsettling. Check it out for yourself below.
Supermassive has a distinguished track record when it comes to horror games. The studio is responsible for the Dark Pictures games, including Man of Medan and Devil in Me, and they’re working on Little Nightmares 3 as well. Whether Nicolas Cage makes an appearance remains to be seen, and it’s not clear yet whether Behaviour’s other licensed crossovers, such as Pinhead and dozens of other horror staples, will also show up.
Supermassive and Behaviour didn’t provide a release date for The Casting of Frank Stone, but it is available for wishlisting on Steam now. Expect more in the coming months.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF