All NFL club facilities to close on Wednesday with limited exceptions

Roger Goodell sent a memo to all 32 teams ordering club facilities to close by 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening as a result of the coronavirus.

In wake of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the nation, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell sent a memo to all 32 teams ordering all club facilities to close by 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening, local time, with limited exceptions.

“The challenges we face are not unique – many businesses and individuals throughout the country are experiencing and addressing similar issues,” Goodell wrote. “Please be assured that the NFL is well-positioned to meet these operational challenges as we prepare to offer our fans and the country an outstanding 2020 NFL season.”

The memo provides for the following exceptions:

  • Employees (such as athletic trainers or physicians) who are providing ongoing medical treatment to players.
  • Employees (such as the director of facilities, security personnel or independent contractors) necessary to maintain the physical security of the facility and its contents.
  • Employees (such as technology personnel) necessary to maintain the security and operational capabilities of the club’s IT network to enable remote work by club football and business staff.

Goodell stated the league would readdress the closures on April 8 on the advice of experts.

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