The clips of Michelle Williams reading Britney Spears’ memoir are just perfect

The perfect voice for this one and the clips prove it.

It’s too bad Britney Spears didn’t get to do the audio version of The Woman in Me, her new memoir that’s making headlines everywhere and rightfully so, given all that she’s revealing.

But we got the next best thing: An Oscar-winning actress reading it.

That’s right, Michelle Williams is on the mic to do the audio book, and the clips that have circulated around the interwebs have been amazing and — of course — shared everywhere. She mocks Justin Timberlake! She imitates Mariah Carey! She curses! It’s so good.

Here are some clips (with a WARNING: There is some NSFW language ahead) to show you how good this is:

Give her the audio book equivalent of an Oscar for this one.

Victor Wembanyama, Britney Spears address alleged incident involving Spurs security

The Spurs rookie addressed the alleged incident in which Spears was reportedly hit by a security guard.

A TMZ report on Thursday said that Britney Spears was allegedly slapped by a San Antonio Spurs director of security as she was trying to speak with rookie phenom Victor Wembanyama in Las Vegas.

The site says that she had filed a police report and that there could be criminal charges brought.

Wembanyama himself addressed the alleged incident on Thursday while speaking with reporters. He said he was in a hall with many people calling out to him, “and there was one person who was who’s calling me … and that person grabbed me from behind.”

The rookie had no idea when happened afterwards but knew that he had gotten grabbed by multiple people, including — he implied — the singer. But he says he never saw her face.

Here’s his whole answer:

He said:

“When I was working with some security of the team to the restaurant, we were in a hall. There was a lot of people. So people were calling me obviously. And there was  one person who was calling me, but we talked before with the security — don’t stop because it’s gonna make a crowd, so I couldn’t stop. So that person was calling me, ‘Sir, sir.’ And that person grabbed me from behind.

“So I didn’t see what happened because I was walking straight and was told don’t stop, but a person grabbed me from behind. Not on my shoulder; she grabbed me from behind, and so I just know that the security pushed her away. I don’t know with how much force though that security pushed her away, and I didn’t I didn’t stop to look.”

Thursday evening, Spears responded with a statement on social media, explaining that she saw and recognized Wembanyama earlier on the day of the alleged incident and, when she saw him again later, decided to congratulate him on his success.

In her statement, Spears said:

“It was really loud, so I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. I am aware of the players [sic] statement where he mentions ‘I grabbed him from behind’ but I simply tapped him on the shoulder. His security then back handed me in the face without looking back, in front of a crowd.  Nearly knocking me down and causing my glasses [to fall] off my face.

“I get swarmed by people all the time. In fact, that night. I was swarmed by a group of at least 20 fans. My security team didn’t hit any of them.”

Spears added that she has not received a public apology from Wembanyama, the Spurs or the team’s security.

Britney Spears had everyone buzzing about whether she broke Usain Bolt’s 100m record

This was fun for a little while.

For at least one day, Britney Spears was the fastest human on Earth.

Seriously! But until she revealed she was kidding — and we knew that, didn’t we? — it was still fun to wonder if it was true or what she was exactly talking about on Instagram.

Isn’t that all we need right now? Some entertainment, even if it might not be real?

Anyway: Spears posted a since-deleted Instagram post in which she claimed to have run a 5.97-second 100m dash. That’s pretty incredible when you consider Usain Bolt holds the world record at 9.58 seconds (!!!).

Here’s the original post, in which she said she usually runs a “6 or 7.”

So here’s what I think: either she mistook what a 100-meter run was or she was just trying to stir up some internet hilarity. It appears it was the latter, because her latest post on Instagram cleared it up:

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Okay I guess I’m bored …. in my home for two weeks of quarantine and I’m modeling dresses I never knew I had 😂😂👗👠💕🙄 !!!! I tried to screen shot a picture but it didn’t work 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I realized I had my hair in a pony tail and no shoes 😂😂😅 anyhow I got this cute video !!! I was tired of being still so I got up to go dance in this orange dress 💃🏼 ….. and do you know what I just learned today ??!? That orange symbolizes wealth, success, stimulation, happiness, fun, balance, sexuality, enjoyment, expression, heat, sunshine, and warmth ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️🧘🏼‍♀️ and that’s how I felt when I put it on !!!!!! PS …. obviously I was joking about running the 100 meter dash in 5.97 seconds …. the world record is held by Usain Bolt which is 9.58 seconds …. but you better believe I’m coming for the world record 😂 !!!! #joking #workbitch

A post shared by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

“Obviously I was joking about running the 100 meter dash in 5.97 seconds …. the world record is held by Usain Bolt which is 9.58 seconds …. but you better believe I’m coming for the world record.”


This just gives us all an excuse to watch Bolt again:

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