Watch: A Day in the Life Notre Dame Quarterback Ian Book

Ever wondered what it’s like to spend a day as Notre Dame’s starting quarterback? Find out now then see what we liked best about QB1’s day.

How many people are the right age to remember the show “The Life” on ESPN?  It was on when I was in high school and the show was pretty much ten minute segment following around your favorite and some of the most interesting athletes around and just seeing what a day in their life is like.

Alright, ESPN didn’t bring the show back but Notre Dame quarterback Ian Book sort of did Monday as he had a high school buddy film what a day is like in QB-1’s life.  Watch it here:

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A few quick thoughts:

  1.  How bad-ass would it be to wake up and have a Sports Illustrated cover with yourself on it hanging over your bed?  Not a photoshopped one but a real one.  Hat-tip for that, Ian.
  2. I’m impressed with his ability to make quality eggs.  I don’t think I made my first scrambled eggs until at least three or four years later in my life.
  3. Does anyone not have spend time on Zoom right now? Really missed the boat on that stock.
  4. Great job using the hand-sanitizer although I’m sure some would worry about the social distancing skills at the restaurant.
  5. I really want to see what one of Tommy Rees’s quarterback quizzes is like.  Nerdy but sounds awesome.

So there it is – now you know what it’s like to be the starting quarterback at Notre Dame during a national epidemic.

Ian Book’s Biggest Accomplishment to Date (His Words, Not Ours)

Book has now received his diploma, something he calls his “biggest accomplishment”.

Notre Dame quarterback Ian Book has reached a level most thought he’d never reach as he’s been the Fighting Irish quarterback for the better part of two full seasons and is returning for a third. Despite Book not being a massively hyped recruit I think it’s safe to say he’s more than held his own, even if that’s not good enough for some.

Book will return to quarterback Notre Dame in 2020 and his experience is a factor in why some have the Irish as a threat to return to the College Football Playoff.

When Book straps up this fall though, he’ll be doing so without having the same stresses as a Notre Dame student-athlete pursuing their degree. That’s because Book has now received his diploma, something he calls his “biggest accomplishment”.

Here’s to hoping this is just the first of many huge accomplishments for Book in 2020.