Ian Book’s Biggest Accomplishment to Date (His Words, Not Ours)

Book has now received his diploma, something he calls his “biggest accomplishment”.

Notre Dame quarterback Ian Book has reached a level most thought he’d never reach as he’s been the Fighting Irish quarterback for the better part of two full seasons and is returning for a third. Despite Book not being a massively hyped recruit I think it’s safe to say he’s more than held his own, even if that’s not good enough for some.

Book will return to quarterback Notre Dame in 2020 and his experience is a factor in why some have the Irish as a threat to return to the College Football Playoff.

When Book straps up this fall though, he’ll be doing so without having the same stresses as a Notre Dame student-athlete pursuing their degree. That’s because Book has now received his diploma, something he calls his “biggest accomplishment”.

Here’s to hoping this is just the first of many huge accomplishments for Book in 2020.