Cobra Darkspeed Max, Darkspeed X, Darkspeed LS drivers

All three Darkspeed drivers have an aerodynamic shape, fast face and moveable weights.

Gear: Cobra Darkspeed Max, Darkspeed X, Darkspeed LS drivers
Price: $549 with Project X HZRDUS CB Red shaft or UST Mamiya LIN-Q M40X Red shaft and Lamkin Crossline grip.
Specs: Forged titanium face with carbon fiber crown and sole panels, moveable weights and adjustable hosel.
Available: Jan.11 presale, Jan. 19 in stores

Who They’re For: Golfers who want an aerodynamic driver that delivers more ball speed and trajectory control.

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”PHNjcmlwdCBzcmM9Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxheWVyLnBvcHRvay5jb20vYW55Y2xpcC13aWRnZXQvbHJlLXdpZGdldC9wcm9kL3YxL3NyYy9scmUuanMiIGRhdGEtYXI9IjE2OjkiIGRhdGEtcGxpZD0ibTU0ZGNyYnpncjN1ZTRkaG9ieXdjbmJ6a3ZzaGszY3ciIHB1Ym5hbWU9IjE5OTgiIHdpZGdldG5hbWU9IjAwMTZNMDAwMDJVMEIxa1FBRl9NODMyNyI+Cjwvc2NyaXB0Pgo8c2NyaXB0IHR5cGU9ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL2xkK2pzb24iIG5hbWU9ImFjLWxyZS1zY2hlbWEiPgogewogICJAY29udGV4dCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vc2NoZW1hLm9yZyIsCiAgIkB0eXBlIjoiVmlkZW9PYmplY3QiLAogICJuYW1lIjoiRGFyayBTcGVlZCBEcml2ZXJzIiwKICAiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiJUaGUgdmlkZW8gZGlzY3Vzc2VzIHRoZSBuZXcgQ29icmEgRGFyayBTcGVlZCBmYW1pbHkgb2YgZHJpdmVycyBmb3IgMjAyNCwgd2hpY2ggaW5jbHVkZXMgdGhlIExTLCBYLCBhbmQgTWF4IG1vZGVscy4gVGhlc2UgZHJpdmVycyBmZWF0dXJlIGFkdmFuY2VkIGFlcm9keW5hbWljLi4uIiwKICAiZHVyYXRpb24iOiJQVDRNMjYuNDU0UyIsCiAgInRodW1ibmFpbFVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY2RuNS5hbnljbGlwLmNvbS9neDFEOTR3QnBncHFhNDlVZHVsVi8xNzA0OTU1NzQ3MjYwXzQ4MHgyNzBfdGh1bWJuYWlsLmpwZyIsCiAgInVwbG9hZERhdGUiOiIyMDI0LTAxLTExVDA2OjQ0OjAyLjc3M1oiLAogICJpbnRlcmFjdGlvblN0YXRpc3RpYyI6ewogICAiQHR5cGUiOiAiSW50ZXJhY3Rpb25Db3VudGVyIiwKICAgImludGVyYWN0aW9uVHlwZSI6IHsgIkB0eXBlIjogImh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWEub3JnL1dhdGNoQWN0aW9uIiB9LAogICAidXNlckludGVyYWN0aW9uQ291bnQiOiAwCiAgfQogfQogPC9zY3JpcHQ+”][/anyclip-media]

The Skinny: Available in three models, the Darkspeed drivers have three different weight systems that allow golfers to obtain the ideal blend of forgiveness, ball speed and spin.

The Deep Dive: If you still think about bright orange, blue or red clubs any time someone mentions Cobra drivers, you might not recognize the new Darkspeed X, Darkspeed Max or Darkspeed LS. As with Henry Ford’s Model T, the Darkspeed drivers come in any color you like as long as it’s black. In this case, matte black. But don’t let the dialed-down cosmetics fool you into thinking these clubs lack technologies and features to help you gain distance and find more fairways.

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Cobra Darkspeed LS driver
The Darkspeed LS has an aerodynamic head shape. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

All three Darkspeed drivers have an aerodynamic shape, with the edges and seams around the hitting area, the heel and toe being rounded. The highest portion of the carbon fiber crowns has also been pushed farther back and away from the topline, so as you swing down to the ball, air flows over the head more efficiently. The back of each head has also been raised, the hitting area is more oval and the sole has been smoothed. These are details golfers might overlook, but they work together to make it easier for golfers to generate more clubhead speed.

Each of the three Darkspeed drivers also has features an updated, laser-welded PWR Shell face. This manufacturing technique allows Cobra to make the face plate larger, which naturally helps enlarge the sweet spot and protect ball speed on off-center hits.

Cobra Darkspeed X driver
The Cobra Darkspeed X has been designed with a H.O.T. Face. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

In the high-toe area of each Darkspeed driver, you will see “H.O.T. Face” etched. It is an acronym for Highly Optimized Topology. This involves computers dividing the hitting area into 15 spots and making those regions thicker or thinner until the best-performing face is revealed. With the hitting area of the Darkspeed drivers being larger than last season’s Aerojet, the 15 regions are spread farther apart, which once again aids in protecting ball speed on mis-hits.

Finally, all three Darkspeed drivers have been made with an internal bar that Cobra calls a PWR Bridge. It is positioned inside the head and connects the heel and toe areas directly behind the face. The PWR Bridge in the Darkspeed drivers is slightly lighter than the one found in Aerojet drivers, but it still lowers the center of gravity and helps reduce spin.

Cobra Darkspeed Max driver
As with the other Darkspeed drivers, the Max has a large carbon fiber sole panel to reduce weight. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

Along with a large carbon fiber sole panel and an adjustable hosel system that allows players and fitters to increase or decrease the stated loft by as many as 1.5 degrees, those are the things the Darkspeed Max, Darkspeed X and Darkspeed LS drivers have in common. Several things make them different and ideally suited for different golfers.

The weight saved by opting for a carbon fiber crown and sole gave Cobra designers a significant amount of discretionary weight. In the Darkspeed LS, that weight was repurposed as a 12-gram weight and two 3-gram weights. The weights can be affixed into any of the three ports, with two ports designed into the front of the sole and one in the back. When the 12-gram weight is in the front, it pushes the center of gravity forward, encouraging a lower launch and less spin. It also allows players to set up the club with a slight draw or fade bias. When the 12-gram weight is in the back, the spin rate increases, the launch angle goes up slightly and the Darkspeed LS becomes more stable.

Cobra is offering the Darkspeed LS in 8, 9 and 10.5 degrees of loft, with the 8-degree head designed for the fastest-swinging players.

Cobra Darkspeed X driver
The Cobra Darkspeed X driver (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The Darkspeed X – available in lofts of 9, 10.5 and 12 degrees – comes with two moveable weights, one 12 grams and the other 3 grams, with the forward port being more in the center of the sole. Cobra chose this location because several staff players added internal weight (called hot melt) to last season’s Aerjet to lower its spin rate. For the Darkspeed X, adding weight in that area is as simple as positioning the 12-gram screw there. 

The Darkspeed X, which has a neutral weight bias, creates a slightly higher launch and more spin than the LS, but it delivers a high moment of inertia and added stability.

For golfers who battle a slice, Cobra is offering the Darkspeed Max, which will come in lofts of 9, 10.5 and 12 degrees. This is the most forgiving Darkspeed offering and features a 12-gram and 3-gram weight like the X, but the Max’s two weight ports are in the back and the heel area. Putting the 12-gram weight in the heel encourages the face to close more easily on the downswing and square as it impacts the ball, resulting in less sidespin and a straighter shot. When the 3-gram weight is in the heel, the club still has a draw bias, but its moment of inertia and stability are elevated.

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[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Cobra Darkspeed X driver” link=””]

Below are several images of the Cobra Darkspeed drivers:

Cleveland Launcher XL 2, Launcher XL 2 Draw drivers

Cleveland Launcher XL 2 drivers are for recreational golfers who want to maximize forgiveness and forgiveness.

Gear: Cleveland Launcher XL 2, Launcher XL 2 Draw drivers
Price: $449.99 with Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue or Aldila Ascent PL shaft and Lamkin Crossline 360 grip
Specs: Titanium face and body with adjustable hosel. Lofts: 9, 105. and 12 degrees
Available: Jan. 19, but available NOW via pre-sale

Who It’s For: Recreational golfers who want to maximize forgiveness and forgiveness.

The Skinny: The Cleveland Launcher XL 2 drivers were made with faces and a weight system designed to counteract many recreational golfers’ most common problems and to help them hit more fairways.

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The Deep Dive: Cleveland’s newest generation of Launcher drivers will not be spotted on the PGA Tour, DP World Tour or the LPGA. Srixon, Cleveland’s sister brand under the Dunlop Sports umbrella, offers plenty of driver options for elite players, so Cleveland designers are free to focus on woods that will specifically help recreational golfers and weekend players. As a result, different aspects of performance are emphasized when they sit at the virtual drawing boards, and in the Launcher XL 2 family, that means extra forgiveness.

Cleveland has invested in computing power and it helped designers engineer the hitting area of the Launcher XL 2 drivers. The system developed new variable thickness titanium faces that deliver better ball speed protection on mis-hit drives, which should be especially helpful in a driver designed for weekend players and recreational golfers, not tour pros.

Cleveland Launcher XL 2 driver
The MainFrame XL faces are designed with the help of supercomputers. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The MainFrame XL faces are complemented by the addition of second-generation Rebound Frame, a technology that debuted in 2020 in Srixon’s ZX driver family. Cleveland designers made a more-flexible area behind the stiff area behind the leading edge, where the face meets the chassis. Behind the flexible area, the body of the club gets stiff again. This system acts like a spring at impact, allowing the entire face to flex back before rebounding forward. The resulting trampoline effect helps the Launcher XL 2 drivers generate more ball speed over an even larger area.

In addition to using computer simulations to design the hitting areas, Cleveland harnessed computing power to test thousands of different internal weight pads. After identifying the most common mis-hit locations for recreational golfers, Cleveland instructed the system to study how changes in weight distribution could improve performance. This exercise allowed designers to fine-tune the spin and launch characteristics and suit how weekend players, not tour pros, tend to hit their drives.

Cleveland added a network of internal ribs to improve the acoustics of the head and make the sound of impact more pleasing.

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Cleveland Launcher XL 2 driver
The Rebound Frame chassis design broadens the sweet spot and allows more of the hitting area to flex at the moment of impact. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The Launcher XL 2 drivers come standard with an 8-gram weight inside the top portion of the shaft. It acts as a counterbalance and should make the clubs feel easier to swing, especially on the takeaway.

The Launcher XL 2 drivers look big and reassuring in the address position. Hideki Matsuyama and Brooks Koepka will not play these drivers, so Cleveland engineers could make the clubs larger from front to back and appear easier to hit.

There are two versions of the Launcher XL 2, a standard model and a Draw version. While the standard XL 2 has a slight draw bias, the Draw model has a face that appears more-closed in the address position, which should help to provide more slice-fitting assistance. The Draw version also produces more spin and a higher ball flight, with a more considerable draw bias.

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[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Launcher XL 2 – Draw” link=””]

Below are several close-up images of the Launcher XL 2 and Launcher XL 2 Draw drivers.

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max, Triple Diamond, Max D, Max Fast drivers

Studying thousands of shots from real golfers helped Callaway design the Paradym Ai Smoke drivers

Gear: Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max, Paradym Ai Smoke Max D, Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond, Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast drivers
Price: $599.99 with Project X Cypher 2.0 shaft, Project X Denali Black shaft or Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue shaft and Golf Pride Tour Velvet 360 grip
Specs: Forged titanium face and chassis with carbon fiber crown, carbon fiber sole and adjustable hosels for most of the models
Available: Feb. 2, but available via pre-order NOW

[anyclip-media thumbnail=”” playlistId=”undefined” content=”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”][/anyclip-media]

Who They’re For: Golfers who want more ball speed and forgiveness on mis-hit drives.

The Skinny: After studying hundreds of thousands of shots, Callaway designers used artificial intelligence to create different faces for each of the four Paradym Ai Smoke drivers so they are optimized to enhance distance and protect ball speed. 

The Deep Dive: Callaway purchased its first supercomputer in 2009, back when A.I. stood for Allen Iverson and no one had ever heard of ChatGPT. By 2016, engineers were using it to study impact dynamics, develop prototype iron faces and more. In 2019 the Epic Flash driver was released with a hitting area designed using artificial intelligence. More woods and irons followed, but there was a shortcoming with the data used by the computers in developing those clubs: It was collected with the help of swing robots, and robots don’t play golf. 

So Callaway captured swing data on more than 250,000 real players’ swings and collected over a million data points to create a dataset the supercomputers could use to develop the Paradym Ai Smoke Max, Ai Smoke Max D, Ai Smoke Triple Diamond and Ai Smoke Max Fast drivers.

By instructing the supercomputers to study how real golfers of various abilities swing and hit the ball, then directing the system to create faces that maximize performance for fast-swinging players, golfers who tend to slice the ball, slower-swinging players and golfers who need extra forgiveness, Callaway developed different faces that are optimized for various players in the four Paradym Ai Smoke drivers.

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Each has a unique series of thick and thin areas in different places, creating what Callaway refers to as microdeflections, and they act like tiny sweet spots. The result is enhanced face performance for specific players.

Callaway said that thanks to the microdeflections and customized faces, the standard Paradym Ai Smoke Max is 12 yards longer on mishits in the toe, 11 yards longer in the heel and 9 yards longer on shots hit high in the middle of the face over last season’s Paradym.

Like last season’s Paradym drivers, the Paradym Ai Smoke drivers feature a forged fiber crown that wraps around the toe and heel areas and forms the sole, removing significant weight from the middle of the head. Most of the models also come with adjustable hosels that allows players and fitters to increase or decrease the loft by as many as 1.5 degrees and make the lie angle flatter or more upright.

The Paradym Ai Smoke Max likely will fit the broadest number of players and is the only Smoke driver with a sliding weight in the back of the head. The 14-gram weight allows golfers and fitters to shift the center of gravity to create a draw or fade bias. The Smoke Max also has a weight behind the leading edge in the sole, allowing fitters to increase or decrease the club’s swing weight. It is available in 9-degree, 10.5-degree and 12-degree versions.

The Paradym Ai Smoke Max D comes in the same lofts but lacks the moveable weight found in the standard Smoke Max. However, this club has a significant draw bias to help golfers who tend to swing from out to in and hit the ball with an open face. The Paradym Ai Smoke Max D can’t cure a slice, but its center of gravity location can decrease the severity of the shot’s curvature, resulting in straighter shots that fly farther.

The Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond has a forward weight and a back weight in the sole and comes in 8-degree, 9-degree and 10.5-degree heads. With the heavier weight forward, it has the most forward center of gravity in the A.I. Smoke family, resulting in shots with the lowest spin and launch angle. This likely will be the most popular Paradym A.I. Smoke driver on the PGA Tour.

Finally, the Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast, which replaces the Paradym Star driver, only comes in 10.5-degree and 12-degree versions. It has been made for slower-swinging golfers who need to maximize carry distance and spin to increase overall distance. It comes standard with lighter components, such as a 40-gram Mitsubishi Tensei Silver shaft and Winn Dri-Tac Lite grip. To save weight from the upper portion of the head, Callaway opted to design the Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast driver with a bonded hosel instead of an adjustable hosel.

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[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max D driver” link=”″]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond driver” link=””]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast driver” link=””]

Check out the following images of the Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke drivers.