Authorities: Missing Montana hiker was killed by grizzly bear

Authorities in Montana confirmed late Friday that a hiker who had been reported missing was likely killed during an encounter with a grizzly bear.

Authorities in Montana confirmed late Friday that a hiker who had been reported missing was likely killed during an encounter with a grizzly bear.

Craig Clouatre of Livingston was reported overdue from his hike in the Six Mile Creek area on Thursday, according to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and Idaho Statesman.

A search-and-rescue team from the Park County Sheriff’s Office located his body Friday morning. The agency did not provide details but Sheriff Brad Bilcher posted the the following statement to Facebook:

“It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing this update. After an extensive search this morning we have located Craig. It appears he had an encounter with a grizzly and unfortunately did not survive.

“We will continue to work through the afternoon to bring Craig home. Please keep his family and all those involved in your thoughts and prayers.”

The post garnered nearly 200 comments from people expressing sympathy and offering condolences for Clouatre’s family.

Grizzly bears are emerging from hibernation and searching for food. People venturing into the wilderness are urged to carry bear spray and to hike in groups whenever possible.

–Grizzly bear image is generic

Ominous warning for Montana hunters as fall season begins

Montana’s fall hunting season is about to begin and the state has cautioned those who plan on venturing afield: “Expect to see bears.”

Montana’s fall hunting season is set to begin and the state cautions those planning to venture afield: “Expect to see bears.”

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks explained in a news release that the grizzly bear population has grown significantly in the western two-thirds of the state (west of Billings).

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“Some areas with dense concentrations of grizzly bears are very accessible to hunters, especially during the archery season,” FWP stated.

Several big-game archery seasons open Saturday.

Grizzly bear image courtesy of ©Pete Thomas

Since hunters often trek deep into the wilderness, chance encounters with grizzly bears, and potentially deadly attacks, are bound to occur.

FWP advises hunters to carry bear spray and “be prepared to use it immediately.”

Hunters are urged to “consider hunting elsewhere” if fresh signs of bear activity are present, and to travel in small groups.

“This can help you make casual noise to alert bears to your presence, and it may also increase your chances survival in the event of a bear attack,” FWP stated.

If a deer, elk, or other large animal is killed, hunters should “process [the] carcass and get it out of the field as quickly as possible.”

FWP is hoping that hunters will exercise extreme caution to avoid surprising grizzly bears at close range. Last September, four hunters were mauled in three separate incidents within a period of only eight days.

Grizzly bears, a federally threatened species that cannot be hunted, are actively feeding in advance of winter.

–Top image is courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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