Gators News: August 11, 2020

College football’s elite conferences are scrambling to figure out whether or not to play a fall season in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Man alive, the sports world a swirling maelstrom of chaos currently, with college football’s elite conferences scrambling to figure out whether or not to play a fall season in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

This morning, Gregg Doyel of the Indianapolis Star opined on the Big 10’s swing and miss yesterday, dealing a potentially brand-damaging blow to the conference, leaving the league looking “dumb and weak”.

As of Tuesday, this appears to be where the Power Five conferences stand.

In corroboration with the above tweet, the following was offered on the latest sentiment from the Southeastern Conference.

At this point, who really knows what is going to happen?

Anyways, here’s Wonderwall the rest of the news from Gators Wire.

Around the Swamp

It’s great to be a Florida Gator!

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