Nasty leg kicks were the weapon of choice at Titan FC 62


It’s uncommon for leg kicks to cause a finish to a fight. But on Thursday night at Titan FC 62, that’s what we got from two of the three MMA fights on the card.

First up, we had [autotag]Lee Henry Lilly[/autotag] just obliterating [autotag]Alex Rojas[/autotag]’ right leg repeatedly in the first round until he was finished (via Twitter):

After that it was [autotag]Muhammadjon Naimov[/autotag] forcing [autotag]Josh Augustine[/autotag] to tap out after a nasty leg kick to start the second round (via Twitter):

If you’re wondering why Titan FC 62, which took place at the Intercontinental Miami in Florida, had just three fights, it originally was supposed to be a six-fight card, but three fights fell off because of COVID-19-related reasons.

Go figure.

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