Beverage of the Week: Glenmorangie’s got a whisky for everyone (and a wonderful 14 year malt)

The $55 14 year brings an explosion of flavor — and holds up compared to the smoother, more mellow (and expensive) 18 year.

Welcome back to FTW’s Beverage of the Week series. Here, we mostly chronicle and review beers, but happily expand that scope to any beverage that pairs well with sports. Yes, even cookie dough whiskey.

I started this column for two reasons; to write what I love (and continue living a life in which I have the job described by a 15 year old dirtbag) and to get paid for sipping whisky. Friends, today is the realization of that dream. We’re drinking scotch.

My typical malt comes from Islay, where you can taste the ocean air in each warming dram of Laphroaig or Lagavulin or my personal favorite, Bunnahabhain (where, sadly, I can no longer find my preferred Ceobanach, which absolutely ruled). But I’m happy to drink anything from the wonderful sovereign nation, particularly from Glenmorangie’s region to the north of Scotland.

My normal Highland malt is Dalwhinnie; a distillery capable of making a $80 spirit at a $30 price tag (their former Game of Thrones branded House Stark scotch) and a $120 one for $60 (their 15 year). But Glenmorangie retains a presence in my brain, even if I rarely drink it. First off, it’s because it’s available everywhere and at a ton of different ages and price points. But secondly, it’s because it’s the favorite whisky of New York Giants punter Jamie Gillan.

Gillan, nicknamed the Scottish Hammer, is a native of Inverness and a former rugby player who worked his way up from little-regarded high school prospect to veteran NFL special teamer. When I talked to him four years ago he covered everything from how he ended up on scholarship at Arkansas-Pine Bluff (via Facebook post and accepted sight-unseen) to his Scottish roots. And his favorite malt? Glenmorangie.

So we’re gonna do a quick distillery tour, sipping whisky that ranges from 10 years to 18 years in age.

Qatar World Cup pulls another bait and switch with last-second stadium alcohol ban

With just 48 hours until the World Cup begins, FIFA abruptly pulled the plug on stadium alcohol sales

If anybody was surprised by Friday’s World Cup stadium alcohol ban at the 11th hour, they probably should not have been.

It’s long been clear that Qatar was not comfortable with the drinking culture that accompanies the game in so many other countries. But the Middle East state also knew it would have to bend its rules to accommodate more than a million visitors for the World Cup.

And in September, it looked like a compromise had been reached: Alcohol sales would be allowed in designated areas within stadiums before and after games, as well as at FIFA Fan Festival in downtown Doha.

But on Friday, that agreement was unceremoniously thrown by the wayside.

“Following discussions between host country authorities and FIFA, a decision has been made to focus the sale of alcoholic beverages on the FIFA Fan Festival, other fan destinations and licensed venues, removing sales points of beer from Qatar’s FIFA World Cup 2022 stadium perimeters,” a FIFA statement read.

It was hard not to be reminded of Qatar’s bid for the World Cup, which the country insisted could be held in the summer despite temperatures that routinely reached 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

After Qatar successfully secured the World Cup in 2010, the inevitable eventually happened five years later, when the tournament was moved to the winter.

The country’s treatment of alcohol follows a similar line of expediency: say one thing and, when push comes to shove, do the opposite.

It leaves fans in the lurch, with many already in country or on their way. Now the only place they’ll be able to purchase alcohol is at the official fan zone in Doha between 6:30 p.m. and about 1 a.m., or at upscale hotels that have special licenses.

There is, of course, one other option. For a mere $22,450 (at minimum), fans will have access to their own private suite with “drinks available according to custom and preference; soft drinks, beers, Champagne, sommelier-selected wines, and premium spirits.”

The move to ban alcohol at the last moment is frustrating for fans but for official World Cup sponsor Budweiser, it is something far worse.

Budweiser has a $75 million sponsorship with FIFA, which has now been thrown somewhat into chaos with the news. After the decision was announced, Budweiser wrote in a now-deleted tweet: “Well, this is awkward…”

Awkward, yes. Surprising? Only if you haven’t been paying attention.

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Over-served fans at the Qatar World Cup will be sent to drunk tanks

The country has relaxed its rules around alcohol, but public drunkenness won’t be tolerated

Qatar’s World Cup chief Nasser Al Khater has said fans who’ve been drinking excessively at the tournament will be sent to designated areas to sober up.

Alcohol regulations in Qatar have been heavily scrutinized in the lead-up to the tournament. The country normally only serves alcohol in hotel restaurants and bars that have licenses, a rule that is restrictive compared to most of the world but more liberal than some other Middle East countries.

For the World Cup, Qatar will relax those laws somewhat, also allowing alcohol sales in designated areas within stadiums before and after games, as well as at FIFA Fan Festival in downtown Doha.

Asked if he had felt pressure to relax alcohol laws for the World Cup, Al Khater told Sky News: “No. Alcohol is available in Qatar. It’s more limited than maybe other countries in the world, whether it’s in Europe or the U.S. or other countries in the East, but it will be more available in designated zones in Qatar.

“We have it in designated zones, as we have promised from day one.”

Al Khater was asked about the existence of so-called “drunk tanks” for fans who’ve been drinking too much, and the World Cup chief confirmed they will be part of the plan — though he did not go into specifics on how they will function.

He said: “I know that there are plans in place for people to sober up if they have been drinking excessively; a place to make sure that they keep themselves safe, that they’re not harmful to anyone else, that they don’t get themselves hurt. I think it’s a good idea.”

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Alcohol at the World Cup: What are the rules in Qatar?

There are ways to drink inside Qatar, but it won’t be as easy as past World Cups

An expected 1.3 million fans will visit Qatar during World Cup 2022, and many of them will be looking to partake in a few adult beverages while they are there.

But this World Cup will be unlike any other when it comes to alcohol consumption. Qatar strictly regulates the sale of alcohol, which is usually served only in hotel restaurants and bars that have licenses.

Those restaurants and bars will have alcohol available to visitors during the World Cup, but drinks won’t be cheap: ESPN says that a pint of beer at several luxury hotels ranges from around $13.50 to $16.

FIFA has confirmed some additional options for fans to consume alcohol in Qatar.

Alcoholic beer supplied by World Cup sponsor Budweiser will be available in specially designated areas within stadiums before and after games, though sales during games will be restricted to non-alcoholic Budweiser Zero and fans will not be able to bring alcohol to their seats.

A source told Reuters: “Beer will be available when gates open, which is three hours before kick off. Whoever wants to have a beer will be able to. And then when they leave the stadium as well for one hour after the final whistle.”

There will also be alcohol available for purchase inside the 40,000-capacity FIFA Fan Festival in downtown Doha, but only on matchdays between 6:30 p.m. and about 1 a.m.

Though the rules around alcohol at the World Cup will be much stricter than past tournaments, they do represent a compromise for Muslim-majority Qatar.

Drinking in public can sometimes lead to a six-month prison sentence or $800 fine, but ESPN said those rules are unlikely to be strictly applied during the World Cup.

With alcohol available but restricted, fans may be tempted to bring their own into the country. Qatar has a message for those fans: don’t.

“There are specific measures [to prevent smuggling alcohol],” Col. Jassim Abdulrahim Al Sayed of the safety and security operations committee said at a news conference in Doha. “I think alcohol will not be allowed through the airport and suitcases.”

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Tuscaloosa City Council approves beer and wine sales in Bryant-Denny Stadium

Alcohol could soon be coming to Bryant-Denny Stadium.

The Tuscaloosa City Council approved a liquor license for beer and wine inside Alabama’s Bryant-Denny Stadium. Now, it is only pending Alcoholic Beverage Control’s (ABC) approval.

A few other schools in the Southeastern Conference have begun allowing alcoholic sales inside of their stadiums after the conference’s governing body lifted the ban ahead of the 2020 college football season.

Stuart R. Bell, President of the University of Alabama, approves of the decision saying, “We think it’s going to really enhance the fan experience that all our fans, at our different events, will enjoy and want to be a part of.”

Beer and wine sales would likely extend to other venues and events of the Alabama campus.

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Sin venta de cerveza en Qatar 2022, aficionados ya piensan no asistir

El consumo de alcohol en lugares públicos es ilegal en Qatar sin embargo los huéspedes tendrán la opción de comprar el líquido en horarios restringidos

Los temores se hicieron realidad, en Qatar 2022 no habrá venta de cerveza dentro de los estadios, una situación que incomoda mucho a la FIFA pues la Copa del Mundo suele asociarse al consumo de cerveza al ser de los principales patrocinadores.

Un documento al que tuvo acceso la agencia Reuters informa el tratamiento que Qatar le dará al consumo de alcohol pues al ser un país musulmán está prohibido y son muy estrictos al respecto.

Sin embargo hay que satisfacer la demanda de 1,2 millones de aficionados al futbol que se espera se desplacen a tierras qatarís durante la Copa del Mundo por lo que se han tomado algunas medidas pero en definitiva la venta de alcohol en los estadios estará prohibida, así como en los alrededores.

El consumo de alcohol en lugares públicos es ilegal en Qatar sin embargo los huéspedes tendrán la opción de comprar el líquido en horarios restringidos y en zonas específicas de la ciudad de Doha.


Las Fans Zone de FIFA tendrán venta de cerveza y la más grande estará en el parque Al Bidda, otro estará situado en una parte desocupada del club de golf de Doha a unos kilómetros de los estadios y las principales zonas de fanáticos.

Estas medidas no han impedido que muchos aficionados ya se cuestionen si valdrá la pena hacer el viaje sobre todo por el gasto que representa pues muchos de ellos consideran que será un Mundial muy aburrido sin venta de cerveza en los estadios.

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