Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn? The Mandalorian’s new villain, explained

WHEW this just got really good.

Chapter 13 was pretty easily the best episode of the Mandalorian yet. There’s no debating it at this point.

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t watched this episode yet, please do not read the rest of this post. Come back later.

We finally got some details on our tiny, green friend Baby Yoda, whose name turns out to be Grogu. But that wasn’t even a top five moment of this episode.

We also finally got our first look at a live action Jedi on the small screen. Ahsoka Tano made her debut on The Mandalorian and what a debut it was.  Mando been seeking her out to have her train Baby Yoda (aka Grogu). But she won’t do it.

Wait, why won’t she train him? She’s a Jedi, right?

Well, yes and no. Tano actually left the order shortly before the end of the Clone Wars. She’s lucky she did because after she left Order 66 was executed and her master, Anakin Skywalker, turned into Darth Vader. Which is exactly why she won’t train Grogu.

Baby Yoda sees Mando as a father figure. That’s an attachment, attachments can lead to hatred which can also lead to another Vader. Ahsoka saw happen up close with her master. She’s afraid that’ll happen again.

But that’s not the most important development of this episode. It’s what comes after that reveal that has everyone shook.

Grand Admiral Thrawn — one of Star Wars most dastardly villains — is still alive. And that opens up a whole new can of worms.

Alright, slow down. Who is Grand Admiral Thrawn?

If we had a Mount Rushmore of Star Wars Villains, Thrawn would be up there along with Darth Vader, Palpatine and Darth Maul. He’s that bad.

Long story short, Thrawn was a genius strategist for the Empire before it fell. He worked with both Palpatine and Darth Vader and was the main villain in the Star Wars: Rebels animated series. He was in charge of quelling the rebellion on Lothal.

 So what happened to him?

Well, the last time we saw him he was locked into a battle with the young Jedi Ezra Bridger — the main character of Star Wars Rebels.

Last time we saw them, Bridger trapped both of them on a Star Destroyer and had a fleet of Purgill (basically, giant space whales) pull the ship out into hyperspace. We had no idea where they were being transported or whether they were even alive because the ship was falling apart.

Until now, anyway. Thrawn is, apparently, still kicking.

How do we know that?

Ahsoka is looking for him. In Chapter 13, the magistrate Tano fought in the village at the end turns out to be Morgan Elsbeth. Elsbeth worked under Thrawn and, apparently, knows his current whereabouts.

Wow, that’s wild. How did Thrawn survive?

We have no idea. But it’s a big deal that he did. Because if he survived, then Ezra probably survived, too. And one of Tano’s quests is actually finding out where he is and what happened after the jump into hyperspace.

When we saw her last at the end of Star Wars: Rebels, she set out on a quest along with Sabine Wren to go find Bridger. If she can find Thrawn, then she’ll have a really good shot at finding Bridger.

Will we see Ezra Bridger in The Mandalorian? 

It’s possible! And it might happen soon thanks to Baby Yoda.

Tano is sending Mando and Baby Yoda over to Tython to access the ruins of an old Jedi temple. There, she’s hoping that he’ll make a connection to the force and that another Jedi out in the universe will pick up that signal.

There’s a chance it could be Bridger! But it could also be Luke Skywalker. It could also be Cal Kestis, who is the main character from the new Star Wars: The Fallen Order video game. It could be someone else. We have no idea.

All we know is things just got really interesting here. And I can’t wait to see what happens next.

The definitive guide to the Star Wars animated universe, the perfect post ‘Rise of Skywalker’ chaser

You’ve gotta watch these. You have to.

The Star Wars universe is massive. We’ve got nine super-long movies that all tell one huge, continuous story about a deep space beef brewing between a family of space samurai.

That’s what makes it so good, when you boil it all down. But the thing that makes the universe so great is all of the extended content that we got from it. Part of that are the two Star Wars animated series: The Clone Wars and Rebels.

I’m a huge fan of both. I swear by these. If I’m being completely honest with you, I think the Rebels series might be my favorite story ever told in Star Wars lore.

With that being said, cartoons are generally not for adults. Especially not massive ones like these. That’s understandable. It’s also why I’m here to help.

What follows is a complete guide to the Star Wars animated universe. The things you need to know, the episodes you need to watch, where they fit in the timeline and why they matter. All right here.

It’s coming right on time, too. You’re going to need something to watch with The Rise of Skywalker coming out this week and The Mandalorian ending soon. This will quell your appetite, I promise. You’re welcome in advance.

Let’s start with The Clone Wars.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Seasons: Six (Soon to be seven)

Years running: 2008-2014

A quick summary

The Clone Wars series takes place between the during the three years between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, pulling us into Anakin Skywalker’s prime as a Jedi Knight and general for the Republic. He also has his own apprentice — Ahsoka Tano.

The timeline centers around the relationship between these two and their developing relationship that, at times, keeps Skywalker from seeping into the dark side. At others, it pushes him closer to it. It also dives a bit deeper into Skyalker’s forbidden love affair with Padmé Amadala and the perils of the Clone War.

It’s gets a bit lengthy— each season is about 22 episodes and there are six of them. The series is also still incomplete, but a seventh season is on the way on Disney+.

Why it’s worth the watch

This series takes every little detail and character of the clone wars and blows them up into an even bigger story. Honestly, did you know Anakain had an apprentice? Did you know Darth Maul actually survived his fight with Obi-Wan? Those are extremely important things that The Clone Wars touches on that you can’t get in a two hour movie.

This gives us amazing perspective on Skywalker that we didn’t really get in the prequels. It’s him in his prime — just before he goes all Vader on us. We see him as a teacher, as a student, as a lover and as a warrior. We also see, very clearly, how he was eventually driven to the dark side and how his passion to protect became his ultimate downfall. It’s an incredible story.

It also gives us, in my opinion, one of the best characters Star Wars has to offer in Ahsoka Tano. She’s incredibly wise and gifted at such a young age just like her master was. She also saw through the Republic before, basically, anyone else did and left the Order. Just a fascinating character.

My favorite episodes

  • The Wrong Jedi — Season 5, episode 20
  • Ghosts of Mortis — Season 3, episode 17
  • Brothers — Season 4, episode 21

Star Wars: Rebels

  • Seasons: Four
  • Years running: 2014-2018

A quick summary

Rebels is set 14 years after the fall of the Republic in Revenge of the Sith and five years before A New Hope begins. The Galactic Empire firmly in control of the galaxy and they’re in the middle of hunting down any survivors of the Order 66 as well as any force sensitive children.

One of those children is our main character, Ezra Bridger, who lives on the planet Lothal under the empire’s control as a trickster. Bridger’s parents were imprisoned by the empire after sparking up rebellion on Lothal. Eventually, Bridger is discovered by a group of rebels who all become our main protagonists. Kanan Jarrus, a former Padawan who escaped Order 66, decides to train Bridger and teach him about the Force as they travel with the Phoenix Squadron and wreak havoc all over the empire.

Why it’s worth the watch

If you love the concept of the force, you’ll absolutely love this show. It dives head first into it, breaking the boundaries that we thought we knew before from the first two trilogies before it. We see strong force connections through nature and wildlife, a blind Jedi, telekinesis, time travel and more.

It also thoroughly shows us how the empire was operating. We see what Vader was up to before A New Hope began — even before Rouge One. He and his Inquisitors were literally cutting down Jedi stragglers and force babies.

The main antagonist is Grand Admiral Thrawn — a genius strategist who outsmarts the rebels at every turn until the very end. He absolutely hates the Jedi order and will do anything to destroy it, so this is all right up his alley. He’s a charismatic, yet, creepy villain who will captivate you and bother you to your core all at once.

More than anything else, you’ll love this because it’s a story about Jedi outside of the Skywalker order. Vader and Palpatine do make appearances here, but this is FINALLY a story that isn’t about them. Bridger, Jarrus and company are front and center here. They travel the galaxy, avoiding the empire and helping everyone at all costs. For once it’s very much about the themes of hope, family, honor, valor and justice that surrounded the Jedi Order and not the universe’s biggest family feud.

My favorite episodes

  • Twilight of the Apprentice 1 & 2 — Season 2, Episode 20
  • Twin Suns  — Season 3, Episode 19
  • Jedi Knight — Season 4, Episode 10
  • A World Between Worlds — Season 4, Episode 13
  • Trials of the Dark Saber — Season 3, Episode 14

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