4-Down Territory: No more undefeateds, NFL’s best team, Secret Superstars, Worst of the Week!

The NFL’s best team? No more undefeateds? Secret Superstars? Worst of the Week? Doug Farrar and Kyle Madson cover it all in “4-Down Territory.”

With six weeks of actual football in the books for the 2023 NFL season, it’s time for Doug Farrar of Touchdown Wire, and Kyle Madson of Niners Wire, to come to the table with their own unique brand of analysis in “4-Down Territory.”

This week, the guys discuss these four downs:

  1. Which team is the NFL’s best now that there are no more undefeated teams?
  2. Will another NFL team ever go undefeated again, or are the 1972 Miami Dolphins safe for eternity?
  3. Who’s the league’s most underrated player?
  4. And of course, our Worst of the Week!

You can watch this week’s “4-Down Territory” right here:

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…and on Apple Podcasts.