TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver Copper

The TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver Copper is designed to deliver driver-like distance with fairway wood control.

Gear: TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver Copper
Price: $449.99 with UST Mamiya ProForce 65 shaft and Golf Pride TaylorMade Victory Copper grip
Specs: Titanium face and chassis with carbon fiber crown, adjustable sole weights and adjustable hosel. 11.5 and 13.5-degree models

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Who It’s For: Fast-swinging golfers who want an alternative to their driver off the tee but who want more forgiveness and distance than most 3-woods provide.

The Skinny: Smaller than a driver, yet much larger than a typical 3-wood, the BRNR Mini Driver Copper combines exotic materials and driver-like technologies to create a powerful alternative off the tee for elite players.

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The Deep Dive: Aside from the possible exception of a driving iron, no club in golf is more macho than a mini driver. Carrying one says to the world that there are times on the course when your driver goes too far, and, you are skilled enough to get the ball airborne with a fairway wood that has driver-like loft.

TaylorMade has quietly made mini drivers available for a few seasons. The Original One Mini debuted in 2019, and in 2021, the 300 Mini driver was released. Last year, TaylorMade offered the BRNR Mini, and a few pros, including Tommy Fleetwood, have put it in play frequently. Now, on the eve of the 2024 Masters, TaylorMade is dropping the BRNR Mini Driver Copper, a club that is virtually identical to the 2023 BRNR Mini but cosmetically pays homage to the late ’90s Burner woods.

The BRNR Mini Driver Copper’s head size is 304cc, which is 34 percent smaller than most drivers on the market today, like the 460cc TaylorMade Qi10 Max. However, the BRNR Mini Driver Copper dwarfs 3-woods like the Qi10 Max (200cc) and Qi10 Tour (170cc). The BRNR Mini Driver Copper also comes standard at 43.75 inches in length, which is a half-inch longer than those 3-woods but 2 inches shorter than a stock Qi10 LS driver and 1.75 inches shorter than a standard Qi10 Max driver.

With specifications like that, and being available only in 11.5 and 13.5-degree lofts, some golfers will call the BRNR Mini Driver Copper a 2-wood instead of a mini driver. Regardless of what you call it, the club is designed to excel off the tee as alternative to a driver.

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TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver Copper
The BRNR Mini Driver Copper has a titanium face and body along with a carbon fiber crown. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The BRNR Mini Driver Copper has a titanium face and body, along with a carbon fiber crown, to create a significant amount of discretionary weight, which engineers re-purposed in the form of two sole weights. With the 13-gram weight in the front and 1.5-gram weight in the back, the BRNR Mini Driver Copper produces more ball speed, less spin and a lower launch angle. However, with the 13-gram weight in the back port and the lighter weight in the front, golfers should see an increase in both spin and launch angle, along with more stability.

The BRNR Mini Driver Copper also has Twist Face, a shot-straightening technology that debuted in 2018’s M3 and M4 drivers, and it has a Speed Pocket slot in the sole to allow the lower portion of the hitting area to flex more efficiently on low-struck shots.

If players decide to play the BRNR Mini Copper off the deck, its K-shaped sole is designed to allow the bottom of the club to skim across and over the turf more effectively. But be warned: With a deep face and large size, this club was designed to be used primarily off the tee. Fast-swinging, skilled players will be able to create enough lift to get shots up in the air, but slower-swinging players might struggle to generate enough spin to maximize carry distance.

To fine-tune the spin and trajectory, the BRNR Mini Copper comes with an adjustable hosel that allows players and fitters to increase or decrease the loft by up to 2 degrees.

Even with all those modern features and technologies, the copper accents and the font used to spell the word TaylorMade on the sole will immediately be recognizable to golfers who remember using Burner drivers and fairway woods in the 1990s. And, if you recall that turning the head cover of last season’s BRNR Mini driver inside-out revealed a fuzzy rainbow design that some players opted to use, you will be pleased to know that turning the BRNR Mini Copper’s headcover inside out reveals a fuzzy blue-patterned option you can go with.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TM BRNR Mini Driver” link=”https://worldwidegolfshops.pxf.io/6eNzxb”]

Below are several close-up images of the TaylorMade BRNR Mini Driver Copper.

TaylorMade Qi10, Qi10 Max, Qi10 LS drivers

TaylorMade Qi10, Qi10 Max, Qi10 LS drivers deliver more forgiveness, distance and accuracy.

Gear: TaylorMade Qi10, Qi10 Max, Qi10 LS drivers
Price: $599 each for Qi10 and Qi 10 Max with Fujikura Speeder NX TCS shaft, Fujikura Ventus Blue TR shaft or Mitsubishi Tensei AV Limited Blue shaft and Golf Pride Z-Grip grip. $629 for the Qi10 LS with the same shaft options.
Specs: 60-layer carbon fiber face, carbon fiber crown and sole with Speed Pocket slot, adjustable hosel and moveable weight (Qi10 LS).
Available: Feb. 2, but available for pre-sale NOW

Who They’re For: Golfers who want to maximize forgiveness without sacrificing distance (Qi10, Qi10 Max), or players who need a low-spin driver that also delivers shot-shaping and adjustability (Qi10 LS).

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The Skinny: By making the carbon fiber crown in the Qi10 drivers larger and shifting weight to optimal positions, TaylorMade added company-best forgiveness to its newest driver family while helping golfers gain ball speed and accuracy. 

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TaylorMade Qi10 drivers” link=”https://globalgolfcreator.pxf.io/nL6E4o”]

The Deep Dive: For decades, golf equipment makers have tried to balance a paradox about drivers. The traits that often produce more ball speed and distance can diminish stability, but increasing a club’s moment of inertia and making it more resistant to twisting on off-center hits can come at the price of ball speed. In other words, getting more of one typically means giving up some of the other.

In the Qi10 driver family, specifically the Qi10 Max driver, TaylorMade set out to change that, bringing more forgiveness and a higher moment of inertia to drivers while also delivering more ball speed.

Designers did three things: Used more lightweight materials, reshaped the head and put weight in places where it does the most benefit.

They started by increasing the amount of carbon fiber on the top of the club. It had covered 79 of the top in the company’s recent Stealth 2 model, but in the Qi10 Max the carbon fiber is up to 97 percent thanks to a design called Infinity Crown that nearly eliminates the ledge the carbon fiber rests on.

TaylorMade Qi10 driver
The carbon fiber Infinity Crown weighs less than previous TaylorMade crowns. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The crown now weighs only 15 grams and attaches to a 16-gram carbon composite ring in the back of the head. That part also holds a nine-layer, 21-gram carbon fiber sole plate along with a 71-gram titanium front piece that encircles the face and attaches to the hosel.

Those ultra-light materials allowed TaylorMade to make the Qi10 Max driver bigger than the Stealth 2 Max from front to back. It’s noticeable when you sole the driver behind the ball. The longer head creates more areas where mass can be positioned – specifically, a 32-gram weight in the back of the sole and internal mass pads behind the face.

In terms of stability, the result is the Qi10 Max is the first TaylorMade driver to have a combined moment of inertia of 10,000 g-cm2. That’s what the Qi10 name stands for: Quest for Inertia 10,000.

There are three different Qi10 drivers, and each shares several technologies.

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TaylorMade Qi10 Max driver
The TaylorMade Qi10 Max’s face is designed using 60 layers of carbon fiber. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The face of the three Qi10 drivers is designed using 60 layers of carbon fiber, which is then covered by polyurethane. While the hitting area does not have “Twist Face” printed on it, the company’s technology has been designed into the hitting area, so the high-toe and low-heel areas peel back more to help golfers hit straighter shots. The faces also were designed with an off-center Inverted Cone on the inner-facing side, so they are slightly thicker in the high-middle area and thinner around the perimeter to maximize speed. All three Qi10 drivers also have a Speed Pocket designed into the sole.

In the Qi10 drivers, however, the face is now attached to a redesigned ledge and perimeter area, which TaylorMade said allows the off-center portions of the face to flex more, broadening the sweet spot and protecting ball speed on mis-hits. The redesigned face area is also more durable than the hitting area in the company’s previous Stealth and Stealth 2 drivers.

There is a TaylorMade chevron behind the topline. However, most golfers will benefit from using the white line added to the top of the hitting area as they address the ball. It’s a feature that initially debuted in the Stealth 2 fairway woods and that TaylorMade staffers loved. 

All three Qi10 drivers have a 460-cubic-centimeter volume and have an adjustable hosel that lets players and fitters increase or decrease the loft and adjust the lie angle.

The Qi10 Max is available in 9-, 10.5- and 12-degree versions and is the most stable and the largest looking in the address position. It is also the easiest to square up on the downswing, so if you are a player who rarely hits the center of the face and struggles with an inconsistent, two-way miss, this likely will be the most-appealing option.

The standard Qi10 (9-, 10.5- and 12-degree options) looks slightly smaller at address than the Max version, and it produces less spin and a lower ball flight than the Qi10 Max. However, it has a higher moment of inertia than the Stealth 2 it replaces and should produce slightly less spin.

TaylorMade Qi10 LS driver
The heel area of the TaylorMade Qi10 LS driver’s sliding weight track is covered for better aerodynamics. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The Qi10 LS (8-, 9- and 10.5-degree options) is the lowest-spinning club in the family and the only one with an 18-gram sliding weight that can give the club a draw or a fade bias. The heel portion of the weight track is covered by the sole for better aerodynamics. The Qi10 LS spins less than the Stealth Plus+ or Stealth 2 Plus+.

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TM Qi10 driver” link=”https://globalgolfcreator.pxf.io/daJVyq”]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TM Qi10 Max driver” link=”https://globalgolfcreator.pxf.io/Y9mnVm”]

[afflinkbutton text=”Shop TM Qi10 LS driver” link=”https://globalgolfcreator.pxf.io/4PnmaM”]

Below are several close-up images of the Qi10, Qi10 Max and Qi10 LS drivers.