TaylorMade P•UDI, P•DHy utility irons (2024)

TaylorMade P•UDI, P•DHy utility irons create lots of distance and a low ball flight.

Gear: TaylorMade PUDI, PDHy utility irons
Price: $249 each with UST Mamiya Recoil DART shaft and Golf Pride Z-grip
Specs: Hollow-body design with forged 41040 stainless steel face, vibration-dampening foam and tungsten weight. Available as 2-, 3- and 4-iron.

Who It’s For: These utility irons are perfect for golfers who want a versatile club that can be used as a long-iron alternative. It flies lower than a hybrid but higher and farther than a typical long iron.

The Skinny: The PUDI and PDHy are designed to be clubs that bridge the gap between a player’s last fairway wood and first iron, producing a hybrid-like distance with a lower ball flight and iron-style control.

The Deep Dive: Every golf has a gap that needs to be filled between the clubs they play off the tee on par 4s and par 5s (driver and 3-wood) and their longest iron. To bridge that gap, players have choices that include high-lofted fairway woods, hybrids and utility irons. For most players, hybrids offer a blend of distance and versatility that is tough to beat, but some players want to create a lower ball flight, so they shy away from hybrids and fairway woods and gravitate to utility irons. In windy conditions and on especially firm courses, a piercing shot that can be turned with a draw or fade can be handy.

For a decade, TaylorMade has offered clubs labeled UDI (ultimate driving iron) and then DHy (distance hybrid), including last year’s Stealth UDI and DHy. For 2024, its newest offerings have been linked to the brand’s P Series in name and appearance.

TaylorMade P•UDI
The P•UDI has a traditional sole width and Speed Pocket slot. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

The PUDI and PDHy utility irons, with a soft chrome finish, look like extensions of the P790 or P770 sets. They share some technologies with those clubs, too, but the PUDI and PDHy are only available as 2-, 3- or 4-irons. They also come standard with a graphite shaft, indicating that TaylorMade intends for them to be played, in nearly every case, off the tee.

The PUDI and PDHy have each been designed with a forged 4140 stainless steel face attached to a stainless steel body, creating a hollow chamber inside each head. Like the 2023 P790, the back walls have thick and thin areas that create a honeycomb look and save weight, and both clubs have an internal tungsten piece that enabled TaylorMade designers to shift the center of gravity (CG) location. It is slightly higher in the PUDI, which helps the club produce a lower ball flight than the PDHy, but both clubs still create lower shots than a similarly lofted hybrid.

TaylorMade added a Speed Pocket slot in the sole of the PUDI and PDHy to help the lower portion of the hitting area flex more effectively on low-struck shots.

TaylorMade P•DHy irons
The P•DHy has a lower profile and longer blade length than the P•UDI. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

To enhance sound and feel, the PUDI and PDHy have SpeedFoam Air injected into the hollow cavity inside the head. It soaks up excessive vibrations but does not impede the face from flexing or reducing ball speed.

In addition to creating a lower ball, the PUDI has a shorter blade length and less offset than the PDHy, and TaylorMade claims the club is more forgiving than the P790. The company says the PDHy is the most forgiving iron in its stable, including all the P Series irons and even the game-improvement Qi10 iron. In the address position, the PUDI looks like a standard better player’s iron, but golfers will see some of the back of the PDHy, but for many golfers, the sight may be reassuring and confidence-inspiring. 

Below are several in-hand images of the P•UDI and P•DHy.

TaylorMade P·770, P·790 Copper irons

The TaylorMade P·770 and P·790 Copper look old, but play modern.

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Gear: TaylorMade P·770, P·790 Copper
Price: $1,499.00 (4-PW) with KBS C-Taper Lite Black shafts and Golf Pride TaylorMade Victory Copper grips”
Specs: Hollow-bodied irons with 8620 carbon steel chassis, forged 4140 steel face, vibration-‘dampening foam.

Who It’s For: Golfers who love the look of vintage clubs but who also want to experience the benefits of modern, distance- and feel-enhancing technologies.

The Skinny: The TaylorMade P·770 and P·790 Copper are identical to the previously-released versions of the P·770 and P·790 but have been given retro styling and details that pay homage to TaylorMade’s 1980s offerings.

The Deep Dive: For the past few years, golf footwear makers have been revisiting popular shoes from “back in the day” and releasing updates and modern interpretations, adding better materials and technologies while trying to maintain what made the shoes appealing in the first place. 

With the release of the Copper Collection, TaylorMade is doing the same thing. Two weeks ago, the BRNR Mini Driver Copper was released, complete with a throwback logo on the sole and a shaft that was cosmetically designed to harken back to the old Burner Bubble shaft from the 1990s. Now, the brand is releasing the P·770 Copper and P·790 Copper, two better-player distance irons that are identical in design to the previously-released P·770 and P·790. However, both clubs look like they would have been at home in the bags of players at Baltusrol Golf Club back in 1983 when Lee Janzen was battling Payne Stewart at the U.S. Open.

TaylorMade Copper family
The TaylorMade Copper family, including the BRNR Mini Driver, P·790 and P·770 (TaylorMade)

Both irons feature a hollow-body design that allows the forged 4140 stainless steel faces to flex more efficiently at the moment of impact, resulting in more ball speed and distance. They also have a Speed Pocket slot in the sole that helps to enhance performance on thin shots and TaylorMade’s FLT CG system. It shifts mass inside the heads, so the center of gravity (CG) location in each iron is optimized. In the long irons, it’s lower to help get the ball up more easily, while in the scoring clubs, it is elevated to help keep the ball down for enhanced distance control.

The hollow chambers in both clubs are filled with SpeedFoam Air, a second-generation material that absorbs vibrations, enhances sound, and removes weight from the center of the club.

The smaller P·770 has a body made from 8620 carbon steel, while the P·790 has a thick-thin back wall construction to save weight. 

But let’s be honest, all those performance features are available in the standard P·770 and P·790. If these clubs spark your interest, it’s because of the copper-toned finish and the retro style. You like the way copper-toned irons create a throwback look to your bag and how the old-school grips feel in your hands. You probably also like the use of TaylorMade’s original logo on the toe instead of its current logo. 

TaylorMade says the copper finish will “mature over time,” but for golfers who love the throwback style of the P·770 and P·790 Copper, that will only enhance the vibe.

Below are some close-up looks at the P·770 Copper and P·790 Copper irons

Rory McIlroy using prototype TaylorMade iron at 2024 Valero Texas Open

McIlroy has a new club in the bag the week before he goes for the Career Grand Slam once again at the Masters.

When it comes to drivers, Rory McIlroy has been more than willing to upgrade into TaylorMade’s newest, latest and greatest every year since he signed an endorsement deal with the company is 2017. Irons, however, are another story.

The four-time major winner has used a prototype set of RORS Proto irons fitted with Project X 7.0 shafts for nearly all his rounds, occasionally adding a TaylorMade P·760 2-, 3- or 4-iron based on the course setup and conditions. Those clubs, which Jon Rahm played when he was a TaylorMade staff player, were released in 2018, so it was noteworthy when McIlroy was spotted on the range preparing for the start of the Valero Texas Open with a prototype TaylorMade 4-iron.


McIlroy was asked about the club during his pre-tournament press conference.

“So after I went to Vegas, I went out to The Kingdom [TaylorMade’s test center in Carlsbad, California] for two days. I needed to get into a fresh set of irons, my irons were like two years old maybe, so they were getting a little worn,” McIlroy explained. “They just produced these couple of proto, I guess like are they the MC replacements maybe, I think? I’m not sure what they’re actually going to be called. Yeah, I have no idea.”

Commenting on how the 4-iron played, McIlroy said, “They performed really well. It’s just as fast as the 760 that I was using. Launch is a little higher actually, which was surprising, and it’s just sometimes I felt like when I hit my 5-iron in the blade and then the 4-iron in the 760, it was such a different feel. To go from a 5-iron now to that 4-iron, it feels a little closer to what I feel in the 5-iron. So just a little bit more responsive, but didn’t lose any performance from it, which is great. Yeah, it will be in the bag this week.”

As a true muscleback blade, McIlroy’s RORS Proto irons have extra mass low in the head, behind the area where he makes contact with the ball, but his prototype 4-iron is clearly a better player’s cavity back iron. The current P•7MC has a very similar shape and similar milling design on the back of the head, as well.

McIlroy’s prototype is fitted with the same Project X 7.0 Rifle shaft and Golf Pride MCC grip as his other irons and wedges. 

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Bettinardi MB24, CB24 irons

Bettinardi CB24 and MB24 irons are for elite golfers who want more control and feel.

Gear: Bettinardi MB24, CB24 irons
Price: $1,600
Specs: Forged 1025 carbon steel with infused tungsten and ceramic matrix composite material.
Available: April 5

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Who It’s For: Low-handicap golfers who want a compact, classic-looking blade or a better player’s cavity back iron that emphasizes feel and control.

The Skinny: The first irons from Bettinardi are crafted with the same level of precision and attention to detail that has made the brand’s putters desirable for deep-pocketed golfers for decades. For golfers who shoot in the 60s or 70s, they deliver a high level of feel and control.

The Deep Dive: Bettinardi has been known for decades as being one of the finest putter makers in golf, specializing in milled blades and mallets that look like something that might be displayed under glass at Tiffany’s next to engagement rings and diamond bracelets. Starting a few seasons ago, the Tinley Park, Illinois-based company started offering milled wedges and multi-material putters, but now the brand is offering its first pair of irons—the CB24 and MB24—and they are precisely what you might expect from Bettinardi.

The CB24 and MB24 are both forged from 1025 carbon steel for a soft feel, but Bettinardi has co-forged the inner portions of each head with high-density tungsten and ceramic matrix composite material.

The addition of the tungsten and ceramic matrix composite material allowed Bettinardi designers to shift the center of gravity (CG) location in each club, lowering it in the long irons to make them easier to hit high and elevating it in the scoring clubs to make it easier to flight the ball down for better distance control.

Bettinardi CB24 irons
The perimeter weighting and extra mass low in the head add a touch of forgiveness. (David Dusek/Golfweek)

While both clubs have a compact blade length and just a touch of offset, the CB24 is a classic better-player’s cavity-back iron. Its perimeter weighting around the outside of the head should make it more stable and give it more forgiveness than the MB24, which is a true muscleback blade. Instead of perimeter weighting, the MB24 added mass directly behind the impact area to enhance ball speed and create a more solid feel at impact. The MB24 also has a slightly thinner topline, although you would have to look at the top clubs carefully, side-by-side, to notice.

In a nod to Bettinardi styling, both clubs feature the brand’s honeycomb in the back of the face.

Below are several close-up images of the new Bettinardi CB24 and MB24 irons

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