Swinney updates team’s health status heading into bye week

As Clemson gets started with its week of rest, Clemson coach Dabo Swinney updated his team’s health status. The Tigers played their eighth consecutive game Saturday, and it was a hard-fought one at that. Clemson rallied from an 11-point deficit in …

As Clemson gets started with its week of rest, Clemson coach Dabo Swinney updated his team’s health status.

The Tigers played their eighth consecutive game Saturday, and it was a hard-fought one at that. Clemson rallied from an 11-point deficit in the fourth quarter to stay unbeaten with a 27-21 win over Syracuse.

Swinney said his team came out of the game with no major injury concerns, adding the Tigers’ overall health status is trending the opposite direction from last season’s mass attrition. Now the Tigers have a week off before heading to Notre Dame on Nov. 5.

“That’s the other thing that’s really positive for us,” Swinney said. “This time last year, we were getting worse and worse, and we were just trying to figure out how to make it work. And, man, we’re getting better, better and better. So I’m excited about that.”

Swinney said it’s a prime opportunity for some of the players that are coming off injuries to get some additional rest.

“This is big for a guy like (defensive end) Xavier Thomas now to just kind of really get another week off, just working on his conditioning and continuing that great healing that’s going on,” he said. “Obviously we’ve got guys beat up. When you play as many guys as we’ve played, we’ve got guys beat up. But we’re getting better. As far as guys in the game (Saturday), we came out of it in a really good spot.”