Swinney updates statuses of Galloway, Shipley, Tyler Davis

During his radio call-in show Monday evening, Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney gave an update on the status of senior tight end Braden Galloway as well as freshman running back Will Shipley and junior defensive tackle Tyler Davis. Galloway suffered a …

During his radio call-in show Monday evening, Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney gave an update on the status of senior tight end Braden Galloway as well as freshman running back Will Shipley and junior defensive tackle Tyler Davis.

Galloway suffered a concussion in the Boston College game on Oct. 2, and Shipley sustained a lower leg injury against North Carolina State on Sept. 25. Davis suffered a bicep injury, which required surgery, in the game against Georgia Tech on Sept. 18.

“We’ll get Galloway back this week,” Swinney said.

“We’ll see what happens on some of these other guys. We’re working Shipley, and (he and) Davis are getting closer and closer. So, excited about their return here sooner than later.”

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